Depth Astrology, AstroMythology & the Cosmic Feminine

Full Moon at 00 Sagittarius/ GEMINI 52
November 22, 2018, 9:39pm PST
November 23, 2018, 12:39am EST, 5:39am GMT, 2:39pm AEDT

Image: Almost Full Moon Eclipse, 7-26-18, photograph by Cosmic News reader Peggy Lenahan.

This Full Moon falls at the intersection of two zodiac signs—cusps, we call them. Such edges where signs overlap offer creative mixtures of zodiac imagery. I’ve played with these from time to time over the years, without making it a formal study. This Full Moon gives an excellent opportunity to overlay imagery and merge signs.

Sun at 0+ Sagittarius, still carries an undercurrent of Scorpio’s intensity.
One option of their joined imagery is the Zen Archer!
String the Sagittarian bow and fit it with a sharp arrow from the Archer’s quiver. Prepare to let loose that arrow, but wait. Close your eyes. Tap into your heart. Listen deeply. Move the aim of the arrow as you feel out the direction that will be the truest for you. Then Zing! let go the arrow as your intuition indicates the time is right.

Full Moon at 0+ Gemini, merges earthy Taurus with airy Gemini to give us
the Dandelion— from deep earthy Taurus roots to airborn Gemini seedlings.
With healthy roots and nutritious leaves for salads, tea and remedies, the dandelion spreads prolifically across lawns and fields in spring/summer. Often dismissed as a weed, dandelion is a earthy herbal power house with a touch of Gemini whimsy. The yellow fuzzy flower is colorful, teasing and fun-looking, attracting bees, butterflies and beetles, before unexpectedly turning to fluffy winged parachutes that carry seedlings on the wind far and wide to pop up in new places next spring.

The Sun and Moon both square Mars, now in Pisces. There is so much going on, this week can feel like a busy big city intersection at rush hour.
In such a pattern, three corners of a square are occupied, leaving empty the 4th corner. This empty corner is called in; the activity of the squares moves to fill in that empty corner, Virgo! Keep your priorities straight, find your natural flow and you will find things work out—in spite of Mercury retrograde!

Ah, yes, Mercury is retrograde until December 6, just in time for the next New Moon. Don’t be dismayed, use it! Take advantage of this “time out” from mundane time. Meanwhile so many celestial signs encourage us to transmute fears, anxieties and negative thinking to positive visions. Dream the Big Dream of how you want your future to be. Be at least hopeful, then activate your confidence and courage. Then take on how you want the world to be, seeing past chaos and destruction. This might take some scouring out of your belief systems that have limited your vision and created a discouraging level of pessimism. Stop that! Who told you that story? Try on a different point of view, just for fun—like those dandelion seeds that take off and land in some new field or garden. What is your honest-to-the-heart true vision? Where do you want to land?

Celebrate the Mercury/Sun conjunction on November 26-27, which obviates the retrograde in the light force of our Sun/Star—especially as Wise Jupiter joins in, offering good advice, blessings and benedictions. Intuition is at a high point, if you pay attention to the clues.

Another interesting pattern of this Full Moon involves evolving Venus, now forward in her sign Libra, preparing to rise up through Scorpio’s depths. Venus is opposite Uranus, which has dipped back into Aries for a fresh flash of inspiration. This is a potent opposition made more so by its involvement with the Nodes of the Moon, a.k.a, Dragon’s Head and Tail, or the Line of Destiny. This is a turning point on several levels, whether we realize it or not. We often make choices on some subconscious or reactive level before we even realize that we have done so. Or we get lazy and make no choice. This is no time for slouching. Wake up, get up and ride that Dragon.

This Full Moon gives you a fine opportunity to awaken and realize more about yourself and your life, to make more conscious choices, impulsed by a sense of harmony, aesthetics and wellbeing—as in “which choice feels better?” It is a lot easier and smoother to engage with a smile, with delight and happiness, rather than to burden ourselves with the complications of anger, resentment, resistance, etc. that we ultimately have to plow through to feel ok with ourselves. To simplify and clarify is not always easy when confronted by our own disturbed energy field and baggage, sometimes projected onto others. Lots of old “stuff” gets in our way. Clean your closets. Simplify your life. Go Zen with that wise Zen Archer. Fly off lightly on the dandelion fluff of imagination. Consider what new territory you are excited to explore.

No time like the present; or rather, no time but the Present.
Be Here, be Light-Hearted, embody the stars under which you were born to shine.

Happy Thanksgiving to all in the U.S.A. We have much to be thankful for.
Gratitude is the greatest blessing of this day.