Depth Astrology, AstroMythology & the Cosmic Feminine

4 Libra-ARIES
September 27 at 10:50pm EDT, 7:50pm PDT,
September 28 at 2:50am GMT

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IMAGE: EVE of Hurricane Georges, author’s collage, 1998. I pasted in haste with a category 4 coming our way. What extraordinary “weather”—whether personal, political, meteorological, geological, etc—is augured by this powerful eclipse?

This much anticipated Full Moon is full of augurs in the collective mind. With the Moon at perigee, its closest approach to Earth, this SuperMoon Eclipse is going to appear larger than usual. It’s fairly rare that the closest and largest Full Moon of the year is also a total eclipse! So why not make a big deal about it? The Pope is.

The last eclipsed perigee Moon was in 1982 and the next will be in 2033. After a series of total lunar eclipses in the last year or so, we won’t have another until January 2018. Get out there and see this one, if you can.

Check the map at:
More details for U.S. at Fred Espenak’s site:

As the Full Moon emerges once again on the afterside of the eclipse, something has shifted. Be there or be left behind. It’s like fast forwarding through a moon cycle: the Moon is full, dims to dark like a new moon, and becomes full again. That usually takes a whole month. Where does the time go?

Oh! that’s a classic, poignant song—written by Sandy Denny and made more famous by Judy Collins. Listen here to a 2002 Judy Collins version:

and a 1973 Sandy Denny version here:

“Across the evening sky, all the birds are leaving.
How can they know it’s time for them to go?
Before the winter fire I shall still be dreaming,
I do not count the time…
Sad, deserted shore, your fickle friends are leaving
oh, but then, you know, it’s time for them to go.
But I shall still be here, I have no thoughts of leaving,
I have no thoughts of time….
And I’m not alone, while my love is near me.
And I know it shall be so till it’s time to go.
So come the storms of winter and then the birds in spring again.
I do not fear the time.
Who knows how my love grows and
who knows where the time goes?
Who knows where the time goes?”

Indeed, what is time? This eclipse shift in time highlights a month that’s more than a simple change of season. It’s a major change in the conversation, a tipping point in global affairs. Keep an ear to the news if you care to, and an ear to the ground of what is going on around you—and in your head! Change the conversation with yourself! One of my current mottos is, “When you change your story, you change your life.” Don’t keep on repeating the same old, same old, like a parrot or a broken record. With spacious perception, speak your renewed story. We’ve been having enough turmoil and heart roiling this month to make this “ever more” desirable and possible.

Remember last time I wrote of the Raven and its Edgar Allen Poe refrain of “evermore.” I got some interesting feedback, including tales from mystic rapper Nigel Wolf, that It is well documented that Ravens have helped lost sailors back to dry land!

Raven is a central player in indigenous mythologies of Americas, largely seen as a trickster, magician, transformer, greedy debaucher, thief, and also a hero. The Haida people, of the U.S. Pacific Northwest, tell that Raven released the Sun, Moon and stars from a box into the sky and brought the first humans out of a shell or up out of the ground because he was having a party. He creates by moving things around. The Haida see Raven as a complex reflection of one’s own self. There’s a clue to apply to this eclipse and the current retrograde cycle of Mercury. Raven is surely appearing as the Mercury retrograde trickster.

After my last post for the September 13th New Moon eclipse, I found three books on ravens on my shelf AND the raven feather my dear friend Wendy Ashley, High Priestess of Mythic Astrology, gave me. Not to mention that I now have a show on Raven Blair Glover’s AmazingWomenofPower radio station (see below)! I cannot easily tell the rest of the ensuing story in my life as it is still unfolding and has multiple subjective layers no one else could really understand. Do you know what I mean? I expect it will until the end of this Moon cycle, on October 12.

Or at least until October 8-9, when we experience a double green light. Venus moves back into Virgo—thus completing her whole retrograde circle, reaching the edge of Leo-Virgo where she turned backward on July 25— and Mercury turns direct at the edge of Virgo-Libra, where we also see the North Node of the Moon. Onward!

The Moon’s Nodes, the Dragon Head and Dragon Tail, indicate the zodiacal location of eclipses. The North Node is the “lesson” of this eclipse, on the Equinox edge of Libra. Black Moon Lilith has a strong role in this eclipse, along with Mercury retrograde, both flanking the Sun. This is the light that shines on, is hidden, and shines again on the Moon.

In this spirit and the spirit of Mercury retrograde, I’m about to repeat some things I wrote last time, shining light again on some key images and again quoting from mystical poet Rumi.

Imagine the Goddess of Justice looking into your eyes, weighing your heart on her golden Scales to see how it balances with the eternal Feather of Truth. This poetic suggestion from Rumi is relevant:

“Out beyond idea of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I will meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language,
even the phrase ‘each other’ doesn’t make any sense.”

From what I heard, Pope Francis said something more than less along those lines.

The impact of the eclipse continues to ripple through the Earth field and our lives. We may struggle to articulate what cannot be put into words—especially in such abbreviated forms as text, twitter and even email. Be careful and caring, as misunderstandings are more than 50% likely. We miss tone of voice and body language more than we realize. Choose your moments, preferably afternoon. Remember, there are other ways to communicate. This is a big day, with turning points and earthquakes, literal and metaphorical, 95% likely. The eclipse energy reverberates with spacious listening for messages of brilliance, daring originality and authenticity. We may need to stretch deep into outer space and maintain patience in order to hear. Globally we may need patience for all concerned parties to consider how such radical stances as compassion, kindness, generosity and good will can truly serve us all.
As the drama unfolds on the world stage, the most glorious blossoming takes place in our hearts and souls

Quietly, Wildly, Pristine
Blessings abound.
