Depth Astrology, AstroMythology & the Cosmic Feminine

An Inspiring Blend of Psycho-Spirituality, Cosmology & Mythic Living


Ah, not to be cut off, Not through the slightest partition Separated from the laws of the stars. The Inner–what is it? If not intensified sky, Hurled through with birds, and Deep with the winds of homecoming…





 Astrology, an intuitive science, interprets astronomical cycles in relation to our personal lives. We become aware of our deep connection with the Cosmos, moving in greater harmony with the ever-changing rhythms of life. “There is a time to every purpose under Heaven.”





Myths from the starry realm are dreams of our souls, with universal meaning that reaches deep into the heart of our experience. The sparkling glory of the night sky stirs memories of our beginnings, endings and immortality.




Many of us, women and men, feel the arising of the feminine divine in personal and collective consciousness. Astrology personalizes this journey. An increasing roster of cosmic ‘goddesses’ offer nuanced radiations of joy, delight, artistry, empowerment, beauty and love to rebirth, revision, recreate and re-enchant our lives.

Multi-Dimensional Conversations Moon Cycle

This New Moon in buoyant Gemini lights us and lightens us (maybe even enlightens us!), as Venus joins Mars in Leo for a soul-centered, light-hearted, yet spicy tango that continues through the Full Moon. With Black Moon Lilith in Leo belly-dancing round the mythic...

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“As always, thank you once again for sharing your unique gift with me. The tape I received has revealed something new each time I¹ve listened to it. It continues to benefit me and has already helped me focus on certain issues.”
New York

“I just finished making detailed notes from your interpretation of my birth chart. What an extraordinary document, both in what it says about me and in how precisely it echoes other signs I¹ve been receiving this year….The precision of the chart astounds me. You were dead-on in identifying certain dates that indicated major changes or influences; I identified exactly what happened, and there was no need to make something seem important. The references were all valid”

“Thanks so much for all your insights–the “reading” really was one of the most significant events of my life. I will definitely be back for more!”

I really enjoyed the reading you did for me. You are very skilled in your knowledge and ability to communicate. And you have a great voice. This has opened up a wonderful, empowering validating realm for me. Thank you!

The reading we did many moons ago has turned out to be very accurate in addition to being so deep and thought-provoking

The heart of my astrology work is personal consultations. If you are interested in scheduling, please email me. I prefer to set up appointments personally rather than through the internet. You can see my offerings here. Generally, the Birth Chart & Current Life Cycles is the best first reading unless you are well into astrology. You are also welcome to email with other inquiries or comments.