Depth Astrology, AstroMythology & the Cosmic Feminine

Personal Consultations

It is an honor to be asked to look at your personal astrology chart, your cosmic blueprint, to explore how the Cosmos is expressing through you.

In order to serve you, I will need your birth information: date, time* and place of birth. I will email  a copy of your chart(s). It can be helpful to look at it when we talk. You are welcome to share specific circumstances I need to know before we talk, or any special issues you want to focus on.    It is also helpful to know your level of astrology knowledge, so I can adjust my interpretation accordingly.

*If you don’t know your time of birth, it is worthwhile doing some research. Often the time is on your birth certificate. Otherwise ask a reliable family member, research hospital or town clerk’s birth records. If you can only get a general idea, we will start with that. If there is no clue, we can still look at the planetary pattern of your birthday and get a good deal of information, but I won’t be able to be as specific or address certain questions.

How I work

I work in person, by phone, by Zoom, and by FaceTime. Our live dialogue allows questions to be asked back and forth, thus we can go deeper into your chart. Consultations are confidential.

I record all sessions and generally send the MP3 audio to you via an email service for download directly to your computer. The fee is payable by paypal (I can send a paypal bill), by Venmo, by credit card on Square, or you can send a check/ money order to my address.

Ask about sliding scale if needed. We will make these arrangements by email or phone.

Scheduling An Appointment
Let’s coordinate our schedules. What time zone are you in? I live in Vermont, on Eastern Time. My consulting hours are weekdays between 10am and 4pm, but am flexible to accommodate your schedule or any time zone differential, with availability on weekends when need be.

Let me know your preferences of scheduling, contact, payment, and recording, along with your birth data and we will proceed in our plans for cosmic conversation!

Birthchart and Current Lifecycles

Our initial session will explore current astrological cycles within the larger context of your birthchart, for a good overview of your cosmic blueprint and a meaningful perspective on what is happening in your life now.

Follow up sessions, annual consultations or periodic cosmic updates can deepen our examination of your basic life patterns, continue to monitor current cycles as they change, and plunge deeper into specific issues, as desired.

First time consultation: 75 minutes, $175. Following sessions: 60 minutes, $150.

Children's Charts

An overview of patterns and potentials to help young people and their parents understand them as individuals in their own right.

45 minutes, live or recorded. $125

Call of the Creator Gods

Newly discovered planetoids in the far out solar system are being named for global creator god/desses from around the world, inviting us to play. These cosmic energies expand our consciousness into higher dimensions. Which ones are working with you by birth and by transit? Naming them activates them to a new level. We may consider Haumea, Salacia, Quaoar, Varda, Varuna, Teharon-hiawako, Altjira, Makemake, Eris, Sedna and others that show up.

90 minutes, $250

Custom Astrology Adventure

You can’t decide? Let’s see what is calling to you. You may have special interests and I can look for the most dynamic influences at play.

90 minutes/$250

Triple Consultation Package

Astrology is an especially helpful tool during times of major change, self-awakening and other challenging passages of life, offering insights that support the process. For such cosmic guidance through transformational times, we schedule three hourly sessions, at least one a month or more often.

$390, renewed at $130/session as desired.

Four Liliths in Your Chart

This ancient dark goddess gives her name to four astrological points in your chart, exploring deep soul desires and mysteries. No taking her for granted. Lilith is an ego buster, leading us into shadowy realms and spacious radiance in a specific, nuanced way to let you know she knows you from the inside out.

120 minutes, $336

*see Lilith and the Cosmic Feminine (LINK)

Three Essential Aspects of the Cosmic Feminine

My signature exploration into the Cosmic Feminine. The interplay of Moon, Venus and Black Moon Lilith influence our choices in life and in relationships. We look at how these three basic astrological factors, singly and together, invite you into Self-awakening and your own authentic expression of personal brilliance.

90 minutes, $250

Relationship Analysis

Honoring the integrity of each person, we explore the meaning of the bond between them— what brings you together, relational styles, emotional dynamics, communication, underlying expectations, lessons to be learned alone and together, the potential for shared growth over time. For all kinds of relationships: marriage, business, friends, parents and children, families, groups.

1-3 hours; $190-450

A conversation is needed to determine how this will work best for you. Please contact me.

Astrology For Groups

Astrology and the Art of Imagination
Astrology is an intuitive science. From a base of astronomical data, we give witness to human experience. The art of astrological interpretation involves our intuition and imagination, a layer of knowing beyond rational logic. Through discussion and various activities we tap into this intuitive capacity. Forget the math, put aside your ephemeris. This is a time to refresh your astrological imagination, using such creative means as storytelling, dialogue, Sabian symbols, color, collage, sound, movement and poetry applied to your own chart.
Exploring Transits Through Astrodrama
Bringing transits to life through dramatizing current planetary patterns and transits to our own natal placements. For actors and audience, the dialogues and interactions are bound to be fun, revelatory and beyond rational expectations.
Planet Masks
A 3-hour mask-making workshop to express and explore personal astrological energies, a very powerful process. This can be extended into a full-day to play with the masks, further exploring their character and their relation to horoscope dynamics. Maximum of 20 participants.
Planet Dances
Experience the energy of the planets through music and movement, based on planet walks developed by the Sufi Master, Hazrat Inayat Khan and Murshid Samuel Lewis.
Descent to Pluto--Earth Mysteries Play
a half-day playshop How do we enter and find our way out of the underworld during a Pluto transit? In order to imagine transformational possibilities, we will create our own version of the classical myth of Pluto, Persephone and Demeter which was at the core of the Eleusinian mysteries. We¹ll recast the three major figures as well as Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun, Saturn, the Wailing Shades and others.
A Walk Around Your Birthchart
In a large zodiac circle we will move through our birthcharts, planet by planet, exploring the meaning of each placement with others we encounter along the way. Good for all levels of astrology knowledge. Also works well as an ice-breaker for a full workshop day or conference weekend.
Astrology and Mandala Art
The mandala is a sacred art form used in many cultures. A circle like the horoscope, a mandala is a focused expression of the inner journey. We will create personal mandalas, letting your inner self spontaneously intepret your chart, and then look at them in relation to our horoscopes, especially as a reflection of current transits.
AstroDrama: Playing the Planets
Cosmic News Report
Astrological Overview of Current Planetary Cycles, a good introduction to Astrology
Stories in the Stars: Astrology, Astronomy and Myth
(with stargazing when possible)

A journey deep into and beyond our 12-sign zodiac to explore constellations and fixed stars that form the backdrop of our planetary cycles. Drawing on research from ancient and modern astrology, astronomy and myth, this introduction to whole sky astrology offers a enriched palette to inspire our astral imaginations, extend our astrological interpretations and even re-vision the signs of our times.

Astrology Parties
For a circle of friends, office or birthday party. Invite some friends over for an afternoon or evening of astrology talk. This can be a great office or birthday party! Geared toward your particular group and with your own charts to work with, we’ll talk about what is going on astrologically and how it fits into your lives. In the process you and your friends or colleagues will learn more about each other and astrology.
Lilith and the Cosmic Feminine Path of Self-Awakening
We can feel the arising of the divine feminine, invoking a qualitative, sometimes challenging, change in our values and experience. We astrologically explore the interplay of three essential factors—Moon, Venus and Black Moon Lilith— that illumine the uniquely feminine path of psycho-spiritual consciousness in both women and men. This is not a sequential path of development; rather it conveys something about your particularly personal dance with the goddess.

The foundational MOON describes our basic mother/family matrix that sets up our automatic, subconscious programming. Our VENUS emotional heart intelligence is continually evolving, enhanced by her extraordinarily aesthetic retrograde cycles. BLACK MOON LILITH is less known, but increasingly compelling for her evocation of soul mysteries and subtle nuances of dark goddess wisdom. We will explore the meaning of each of these factors, separately and together, considering their impact on the choices we make in our lives and relationships.

The Four Faces of Lilith*
(can be offered as a workshop continuation of the previous talk) Lilith, an ancient, banished goddess, returns to remind us of our origins, deep desires and the power of feminine spirituality. This offering begins with a provocative performance created from a variety of sources: Sumerian myth, the Gnostic Gospels, the Song of Solomon, modern literature and astrological research. The discussion which follows introduces the four Liliths in astrology–asteroid, Dark Moon, Black Moon and star, related to various states of consciousness and soul-felt issues that are both deeply personal and healing to our world. *See separate web section on Lilith and the Cosmic Feminine.
Pluto and the Underworld Mysteries
The underworld journey, at the heart of ancient mystery schools and shamanic journeying, is one of the deep soul tasks of our time, especially since Pluto was discovered in 1930.  Drawing on perspectives from astronomy, social history, psychology, myth and astrology, we look at the meaning this remote and mysterious planet of the 20th century from a variety of perspectives— through astronomy and astrology, mythic psychology and social history .Where are we in this journey today?
Planetary Generations
The three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, spend a number of years in a sign, defining generational tasks and indicating changes in human consciousness–as outmoded ideas to be radically altered (Uranus), dysfunctional areas needing clarity and refinement (Neptune) and repressed issues needing to be brought to the surface and transformed (Pluto). We will discuss the current transits of the outer planets and their impact on planetary generations, touching on the involvement of these planets in major life transitions, especially mid-life, as well as their effect on inter-generational relationships.
Understanding Teenagers Using Astrology
A discussion of astrological cycles that correspond with important developmental stages during the teen years. These cycles impact our life experience again around ages 30 and 45. Case studies of daughters and mothers show how patterns follow down the generations and urge both parent and child into self-growth.
Our Expanding Solar System
In this new millennium, astronomers have been discovering dozens of new planetoids in the far reaches of the solar system, and even closer. Many are being named for creator gods and goddesses  from global mythologies, beyond the Greco-Roman pantheon of classical astronomy. This slide show tour introduces us to new astronomical neighborhoods and cross-cultural mythologies, reflecting arising potentials of consciousness indicated by TransNeptunian Objects, Kuiper Belt Objects, Centaur Objects and Asteroids
Astronomy for Astrologers
Seeking to reunite astrology and astronomy, we’ll discuss basic principles of astronomy that are useful for astrologers to know. Using astro-drama, slides and illustrations, we’ll get an overview of the precession of the equinoxes, eclipse cycles, planetary cycles, new discoveries from astronomical technology, and some juicy tidbits from the history of astronomy and astrology.