Depth Astrology, AstroMythology & the Cosmic Feminine

NEW MOON at 10 LEO 58
August 2, 4:45pm EDT, 1:45pm PDT, 9:45pm GDT,
August 3, 6:45am AEST

HELIOS.KH.mkhsentImage: HELIOS, Grecian Sun God from the older generation of gods, harking back, perhaps, to Egypt’s ancient city of the Sun, known by the Greeks as Heliopolis. Helios drives the chariot of the Sun through the sky. With his far-seeing vision he peers into the future using a looking glass. Illustration by author from PLANETARY GODS & GODDESSES COLORING BOOK, due out end of September.

FIRE, ho! This NEW MOON in LEO, ruled by the Sun, radiates energy and motivation. This Moon cycle ushers in the peak of the year so far. The big news is that MARS is back in SAGITTARIUS, raring to go. SATURN is about to turn forward, on August 13. Mars and Saturn are moving together, to manifest results—at last. Their most exact meeting is August 24, but we don’t need to wait for that. Things are happening, coming together in a way that has not yet gelled in 2016. It may feel like you are finally “on track,” whatever that means to you, with a heightened creative surge.

A special feature is that this New Moon falls on one of the cross-quarters holydays that mark the four half-way points between solstices and equinoxes. This is Midsummer, the beginning of harvest, in the northern hemisphere, and Mid-Winter, an evocation of light, in the southern hemisphere. Whichever half you live in, CELEBRATE! When such a holyday is accompanied by a New or Full Moon, it doubles the meaning of such a threshold.

In addition to the rather extraordinary challenges of the July 26-27 Full Moon— that did not allow us to take anything for granted, that challenged our personal (and collective!) status quo— it also promoted circles of special connections that bind us. This is the true, meaningful news. Here’s to synchronicities, web surfing for serendipities, cosmic encounters, etc! These are clearly amping up in my life. How about in yours?

Two asteroid goddesses offer key advice for success in this Moon cycle:
JUNO, Queen Goddess, in SCORPIO insists that you are fully committed, following your passion with no compromise that undermines your determination or success.
CERES in TAURUS promises a full harvest at the right time, if you are grounded in values that serve the common good.

MERCURY IN VIRGO, its strong suit, suggests common sense as a “perfect” strategy. If you know, so surely, what you want, that is appropriate and timely, it can come together. Mercury is going to be in Virgo through August, September and into October, going retrograde on August 30 to revel in its favorite sign. Life is like puzzle, all the pieces fit somehow or other. As our priorities shift in this reordering exercise, things will come together, like the bionic man or woman, to be “better than before.” Well, no really, probably not like the bionic human. There is no artificial cell in Virgo’s body. It is all natural wisdom.

VENUS soon enters VIRGO as well, on August 5th. With exquisite and particular aethetics Venus partners with MERCURY, adding its emotional intelligence to the music score of this Moon cycle. Both of these planets will conjunct the North Node, the current collective destiny point, Mercury on August 8 and Venus on August 16, dates to put on your calendar for checking in on your status, and to make improvements in your situation. “Whatever works,” is a Virgo motto. Can’t argue with results that FEEL GOOD!

As I wrote last time, URANUS is holding open the door, turning around at 24 ARIES. This door is open all month, as Uranus turns retrograde on August 30.

We peer through this window from a widening perspective. So many people I’ve talked to lately feel a strange energy. With all the fire and lightning storms, there is a highly charged energy infusing our fields. Somewhere in your life a lightning bolt is pointing toward Big Change and Awakening, using higher mind insight. It may not be until next April that we experience the full implications of this cosmic influx.

Here’s a song for the times: Strange Angels by Laurie Anderson:

“Strange angels singing just for me
Old stories they’re haunting me
This is nothing like I thought it would be…
Big changes are coming
Here they come
Here they come.”

I’ve always resonated with this song, but never really listened to all the lyrics. Timeless and timely. We are certainly moving beyond the old stories into pristine territory. Exciting— even a bit terrifying, as demonstrated by those who want to halt progress and return to some vague idea of how it was and how it should still be, as if life can be frozen in time. We’re all in this together, and need to open our windows and doors to the refreshing winds and cosmic currents. No matter what the political scenery of your landscape, essentially we vote with our consciousness. It’s clearly time to raise the ante, question assumptions of all kinds, even cherished ones. Thus we edit and REWRITE THE STORYLINE. Let’s START NOW.