This New Moon in buoyant Gemini lights us and lightens us (maybe even enlightens us!), as Venus joins Mars in Leo for a soul-centered, light-hearted, yet spicy tango that continues through the Full Moon. With Black Moon Lilith in Leo belly-dancing round the mythic couple, emotional complexity is likely, pulling us deeper into heart & soul in potentially any relationship. When Venus turns retrograde on July 22 (in next Moon cycle), the primary relationship we each explore will be that within our Self. During the waxing Moon, Mars and Venus square dance with electrically-charged Uranus. This month is full of Leonine drama and surprises us all, personally and collectively. We let our hearts lead the way in this dance, as the rhythm changes and the “global” room we all live in fills with dance partners. Saturn turns retrograde now at 7+ Pisces. We have a particular piece of work with this placement to shape our experience.

‘Conversation’ during sunset overlooking Worcester Range in Vermont, photo by Barrie Fisher. She has such a fine eye for a good photo! See more
Note: Moons & Mythos #11, an audio-video discussion which amplifies the astrological dynamics of this Luna cycle, is posted on Davyd Farrell’s youtube channel. There is so much to say about this New/Full Moon cycle. Moons & Mythos is an excellent adjunct to Cosmic Inspiration News. Our discussion includes much more than I can write out. Verbal dialogue communicates in a different way than writing. I enjoy both.
New Moon @ 26 Gemini 43
June 17, 2023 @9:37 pm PDT,
June 18@ 12:37am EDT, 5:37am BST, 2:37pm AEST
Full Moon @11 Capricorn/Cancer 18
July 3, 2023 @4:39am PDT, 7:39am EDT, 12:39pm BST, 9:39pm AEST
New Moon @ 26 Gemini 43
June 17, 2023 @9:37 pm PDT,
June 18@ 12:37am EDT, 5:37am BST, 2:37pm AEST
Gemini is such a busy bee sign, exploring in widening circles.
I live my life in widening circles
that reach out across the world.
I may not complete this last one
but I give myself to it.
I circle around God, around the primordial tower.
I’ve been circling for thousands of years
and I still don’t know: am I a falcon,
a storm, or a great song?
—R.M. Rilke poem translated by Joanna Macy
This time the journey is deep, far out and far in, impacted by its opposition with the Galactic Center, the Heart of our Milky Way at 26-27 Sagittarius and, perhaps, Rilke’s “primordial tower”. Therefore the New Moon is at the further distances of the galaxy, opposite the direction that takes us to the Galactic Heart. How far can we go in that direction before we must turn back, pulled back toward the collective Heart Center, dwelling of Mother Divine, Creator of Life in the primordial Shiva/Shakti dance of the Universe?
Conjunct the Galactic Heart, therefore interactive with the New Moon is of the most exquisite of the Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs)— Varda Elentari, one of the Highest of the Archangels, Beloved of the Elves, from Tolkien’s pre-history of Middle Earth. She is the Light-Bringer, who lit up the sky with stars to welcome the Elves and deter the dark forces. She put the Sun and Moon on their proper courses. Channeling from the GG (Galactic Center) now, Varda is lighting up quantum potentials ready to be manifest. Let’s imagine the absolute best scenarios.
Another KBO that evokes Mother Divine is Haumea, who births all of Creation. Her womb is prolific with new life. After each birthing, she restores herself. As Haumea goes back and forth from Libra to Scorpio and back again through September, she continues to empower us to let go of the old, clearing the way for new birth, from the core passionate heart of Chaos, from which the new seed comes forth.
This New Moon closely squares Neptune, activating the subtle dimensions of that cosmic, oceanic planet. This activation can dissolve, distort, distract—or evoke a higher level of mystical, angelic vibrational frequencies. We are not easily aware of such subtleties in the density of this material world. Are you open to the idea that we are ‘ascending’ into a new quality of light and love with spiritual and compassionate wavelengths? This Luna cycle calls for tuning into these spiritual wavelengths, inviting us to give more time to our spiritual lives, with kindness and compassion for ourselves and others in these stressful times of intense change.
My colleague, Dikki-Jo Mullen, Astrologer and Parapsychologist, offers her “Sky Maiden Musings” on New and Full Moons. I enjoy her pithy summations, drawing from a variety of cultures and star lore. In this issue, I especially appreciated her take on the mutable New Moon square Neptune in mutable Pisces:
“There can be some confusion as Neptune will weave its complex web of emotions. On the plus side Neptune brings a very imaginative influence. Focus on creative pursuits, talent can emerge, nurtured by this quite mystical star pattern. There is a soft sensitivity prevailing. The wave of empathy for others generated by this lunation can be overwhelming. Be careful not to overreact to those showing martyr-like tendencies. There is much uncertainty, and it will take some effort to define both personal limitations and attributes and the true nature of associates and acquaintances. Colors and sounds can capture nuances, bringing perspective and comfort… The celestial energies at work on this New Moon approaching the Summer Solstice promises genuine connections with the spirit world, elementals and possibly even encounters with aliens (the outer space kind).”
She also gives an interesting take on the New Moon in a quincunx ‘adjustment’ aspect to Pluto, now back in Capricorn: “It is best not to go to extremes. Fate is decreeing something. What seems meant to be? It can be exhausting to swim against the current. Why not try to adapt instead?”
[You can read her blog and explore various resources here.
Neptune is moving quite slowly, preparing to turn retrograde at the end of this month, therefore staying in the same degree for weeks— see June 30 entry below
Pluto returned to Capricorn, just a few days ago, on June 11. The inevitable dismantling of the old system goes to another, almost final level. It won’t be pretty, but it is necessary. Even as they change sign, Pluto continues to square the Nodes of the Moon, the collective destiny line, well into October, clearing the way for a new version of our Earth reality. Pluto returns to Aquarius in late January 2024. The Nodes of the Moon switch from the Taurus/Scorpio polarity fully into the Aries/Libra polarity midway into July. We already had a taste of this energy on the April 20 Total Solar Eclipse at 29+ Aries. We pioneer our new reality in partnership with others and the Universe itself.
Jupiter in Taurus on the North Node, another powerful feature of this New Moon, takes advantage of and builds upon the last of the Taurus nodal thrust into our New Earth future. Jupiter amplifies our experience ‘on the ground,’ opening opportunities to move forward and further into our collective destiny in productive ways that will last. Things will be obvious, big as life. On a personal level, choose wisely which possibilities are most beneficial for you.
Sedna, Inuit Goddess of the Arctic Sea, has just entered Gemini on June 15, soon coming to her closest approach to Sun and Earth in her 11-12,000-year orbit. In this rare sign change, she conveys information and perceptions from the distant solar system, reminders from distant eras. Orbiting well beyond the Kuiper Belt, Sedna was discovered in 2003 as the most distant object yet seen in the distant dark reaches of our solar system. We will most likely learn and relearn much about our past, tune into new levels of consciousness and communicate in new ways and wavelengths. She will be in Gemini for 41 years.
Saturn turns retrograde at 7 Pisces under this New Moon, signifying that we are progressing as far as we can ‘handle’ now. We take some time to feel through and, in some situations, get more realistic about what we are experiencing to take advantage of those opportunities from Jupiter. Saturn in Pisces suggests that we ‘squeeze out’ our psychic sponge many of the impressions we have been soaking in. We take responsibility for dealing with our feelings and raising our vibrational frequency above any muddy, polluted waters of negativity that we have been stewing in. We can take charge and become imperious to negative influences. Compassion and forgiveness of ourselves and others is called for. Kindness is the key.
Saturn in Pisces is the point of a ‘Finger of God,’ requiring a pinpointed adjustment, a re-attunement informed by two of the Quantum KBO Creator deities: MakeMake at 7+Libra, the Rapanui BirdManGod that represents Renewal after trauma; and to Varuna at 6+ Leo, ancient Vedic enforcer of Cosmic Law. These two quantum creators stand for themes we must take into account in order to move forward. We have time to consider this; Saturn does not turn direct until November 4.
Waxing Moon Meaningful Moments
June 21— Solstice, Sun into Cancer
One of high point seasonal change gateways of the year. Review what was going on with you since March 20 Equinox and also review what was going on for you last June Solstice.
The Moon is in Leo on this Solstice, adding to the dramatic signature of this season, joining Mars, Black Moon Lilith and Venus all in expressive fire sign Leo. Venus will go retrograde in Leo on July 22, extending its Leo visitation into October. All these Leo factors will be square Uranus in Taurus in the next few months, starting right away with the Moon on June 22. Planet of social change, revolution, sudden developments, Uranus shakes us up earthquakes literally and metaphorically. No wonder emotions are high, stirring up high drama. Do you know how to settle your emotions from a heart space rather than ego-based reactivity?
June 26— Mercury enters Cancer has the potential to mentally settle down into more personal considerations and chome and family time. There is a high risk that of that reactive side, a potential tendency to be triggered by volatile changes from Mars in Leo square Uranus, which happens the same day, bringing surprises and upsets. Use that Mercury in Cancer to take care and be safe. Don’t take things too personally, even while considering what actions will benefit you in such changeable times. Have extra food on hand for spontaneous parties (Leo is the party sign), unexpected visitors, or ‘just in case.’
June 29—Venus trine Chiron— I note this because it is part of the Venus retrograde story. This is the first of three positive trines that catalyze emotional healing and potential new initiatives in the financial arena. The second and third occur on August 14 and September 23.
Note below that Chiron square the Full Moon, so is an important factor starting this month and ongoing.
June 30— Neptune turns retrograde at 27 Pisces 41
Neptune is at 27-28 degrees from May 10 – August 23, and again in March 2024. What is the Sabian Symbol that illustrates the storyline of this focused time frame?
28 Pisces—A Fertile Garden Under the Full Moon
What a lovely, earthy image to be activated as we move toward the Full Moon, which must be a special one, to dream under. And, as noted above, the Full Moon squares Chiron, ‘Shaman of the Solar System,’ for spontaneous shifts of consciousness. Often Chiron gives us a sense of something missing, something ‘off,’ ‘something’s gotta give’.
Neptune prolongs this Sabian Symbol for a resonant note on the Full Moon. A bit of mystery here…..Listen to your dreams!
Also, Mercury in Cancer conjuncts the Sun on this same June 30. An important message is coming through—on the Full Moon? Mercury is behind the Sun, sending messages right through the Sunlight. Solar flare on tap?
July 2— Venus square Uranus at 21+ Leo/Taurus, another featured planetary conversation of the upcoming retrograde circle of Venus. To be repeated on August 9 and September 29.
The Full Moon in Capricorn is a serious, no-nonsense Moon sign, organizing, crafting and strategizing on its way to meet up with Pluto. And it is opposite Sun/Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods still invisible in the Sun’s beams. Mercury at 14+ Cancer is aligned with Sirius, the closest star we see, hot and radiant blue-white, twinkling with a rainbow effect when low in the sky. This is another indication of special information coming through.
Sirius is possibly a sister star to the Sun, making a binary system. Commonly called the Dog Star (in Canis Major, the Big Dog constellation) and also called the Star of Isis, the great Egyptian goddess. Vedic Astrology gives major attention to the 27-28 asterisms called Nakshatras or Moon Mansions, marking where the Moon stops night by night in its monthly circle round the Zodiac. The Nakshatra centered on Sirius is Punarvasu, the Star of Renewal, ruled by Aditi, the Great Mother who provides all. The Moon at 11 Capricorn is in the Moon Mansion called Purva Ashadha, the Invincible Star, with the power of invigoration. This all sounds promising.
As noted above, the luminaries at 11 Capricorn/Cancer square Chiron at 19 Aries. This may not seem very close, but it is Full Moon with Moon (immediately), Mercury (July 5), then Sun (July 12) moving more fully into the square. “Something’s gotta give,” indeed. Is a shamanic intervention called for? Be as fully present as you can in each moment, as a new pathway opens. Now is when and where Magic happens, and likely something unprecedented that we would never have thought of, but maybe imagined in our dreams.
Salty Mermaid Salacia, Neptune’s delightful Queen, who makes the sunlight (and moonlight?) sparkle on the sea, is even more closely square the Full Moon, lending her uplifting light to the night.
Venus and Mars in Leo are as close to a conjunction as they will be , as Venus slows down, pulling back from their spicy rendezvous to prepare for her retrograde journey, a deepening of her emotional intelligence to make her HeartLight shine more brightly. Isn’t there a Neil Diamond song by that title? Have a listen and see if this isn’t just what Mars might sing to Venus as she makes her strategic retreat? They will finally meet up in Aquarius in February 2024— in close proximity to Pluto. That sounds interesting!
Waning Moon Meaningful Moments
July 10— Mars enters Virgo—back to work, tasks at hand, improvements to make, what are your priorities? Listen to your body.
and Mercury enters Leo— a double shift of energy, creative thinking is called for.
Of course, there are so many more planetary dialogues going on, this day is a notable change of dynamic that we will all notice personally. A week later on to
Next Moon Cycle—
July 17 Cancer New Moon – August 1 Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo!
- Nodal Sign Shift
- Venus turns retrograde in Leo dancing with Black Moon Lilith
- Full Moon on Lammas
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