Depth Astrology, AstroMythology & the Cosmic Feminine

March 23, 8:01am EDT, 5:01am PDT, 12:01 GMT

RamsHeadMoonVickiImage: In the Light of the Full Moon, photo by author.

The new season pops open with an eclipse that clips some wings, so we don’t fly too far too fast. This Full Moon eclipse follows up the powerful total solar eclipse lunation two weeks ago. The partial eclipse takes place about half an hour after the exact Full Moon and will be visible from Oceania, eastern Asia and the Americas.

Though not total, this one ramps up the ante in terms of new developments, while continuing themes opened by the total eclipse of the March 8-9 New Moon. There was a half-way point between these two eclipses, on which it really felt like the energy switched. I got several “what’s going on?” calls that day, Tuesday, the 15 (also known as the Ides of March). Did you feel it?

Mercury has joined the Sun in Aries, generating surprisingly fresh ideas that emerge from hidden wells of Piscean dream-imagination. This Sun-Mercury injection of fire is motivating, increasingly sparking activity as the next few weeks bring the Sun into alignment with Uranus and Saturn. It’s happening! What is your particular “it”?

Perhaps you are experiencing a timely turning point that has been in the works for a while. Is this your “crowded hour,” quoting from Theodore Roosevelt at a critical moment in his life? With the active planetary square dance going on, it can certainly feel crowded, with everything coming up all at once. The trick can be to respond appropriately, rather than reacting from our unconscious default patterns.

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon at 4 Libra is:
This is a community-bonding image echoing the theme of the recent naming of recently-discovered planetoid Praamzius, that I mentioned last time. This old Lithuanian High God is in charge of Time, Destiny, Peace and Friendship. Lithuanians have carried on very old ceremonial forms, often around a central fire—’a group around a campfire” ampflied! I find myself attending two such smaller circles this week, one sunset circle atop Peace Hill in St. John, Virgin Islands, for Sunday’s Equinox, and another for the Full Moon. This eclipse is more of a cosmic punctuation point since it so closely follows Equinox.

This Full Moon eclipse features an exact conjunction of Ceres, Chiron and North Node, all in Pisces. The slightly awkward square dance between these factors with Jupiter and Saturn is still in play, pulling our attention in several directions. Venus has now joined the dance in Pisces. Her graceful flow and emotional sensitivity may evoke tears at unexpected moments, even from people not prone to crying. Do you ever find teardrops slowly falling out the sides of your eyes, without knowing why? The Goddess Kwan Yin cried tears of compassion that turned into pearls that bless the world. Let’s welcome these tears of release. Huge waves of compassion surge globally on this small planet we share. We may be more deeply aware of the refugee crisis, environmental tragedy, the passing of special souls out of this world and into it—in ways that call forth a sense of service, innovative solutions and will to persevere. And we need clear vision, a True Dream to answer that call.

“To tap into the power of dreaming, we need to connect not only to the human story, but to all of nature and creation as well.”
─Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.

The mystery of the Pisces fusion is quite extraordinary, with delicate tones, pastel subtleties and rare perceptions. Some special music, art, and film may be coming out or in production, something that signals changing trends and creates a quantum shift in the collective. Our circles of connectivity are being woven in extraordinary ways, as the fabric of humanity and all our relations is being redesigned. Do you feel the upgrade of the psychic internet?

To delve further into these rare seas, let’s consider the Sabian Symbol for 22 Pisces, the key to this eclipse, where Ceres and Chiron merge with the South Node, pulling through unhealed issues affecting everyone now on Earth. This is a key theme to remember during this whole eclipse cycle—and beyond.

This is coming through from the past of our history, personal and collective. Sabian symbol expert Lynda Hill has a rich take on Chiron at this degree. She wrote, ” Being the Wounded Healer, Chiron can bring up those wounds and they have a story; Chiron is a story teller. I see Chiron as ‘The Stories We Tell Ourselves’. Without the ‘story’ we don’t have a wound.”

Visit Lynda;s website at Try her fun Sabian Oracle for questions you are chewing on.

Change your story and you change your life! Watch how you are telling your story, get feedback from trusted loved ones about where they hear you are stuck. Review your childhood, if need be, but don’t get stuck there. What is the new “law” or operating system possible in your life if you open your belief system to engage different questions and different points of view?

Chiron, the teacher-healer, evokes a healing crisis, and often indicates a turning point in a therapeutic process. This is a collective one, a bridge between worlds. We are all on this bridge, be it a rainbow bridge or a rickety one. If you pay attention, you’ll know before you step on it. How are you telling your story? Is it the same old/same old? This is such a propitious opportune time to change your story, both your story from the past and for the future. “Be here now,” is Chiron’s motto.

Mars is joining Saturn in the storytelling sign of Sagittarius, really moving the story along, one way or another. Find your true story and live it. This eclipse ushers in a 4-5-month Saturn retrograde experience lasting until mid-August. We go back over our experience, fill in some missing pieces to accomplish our goals. Saturn turns retrograde at 16 Sagittarius, which happens to conjunct the current placement of VARDA, one of the new planetoids far out in the Kuiper Belt. Goddess of the Elves in Tolkien’s prehistory of Middle Earth, she is the Lady of the Stars, who lit up the stars and created the Sun and Moon from dew from Laurelin, Tree of Gold and Telperion, Tree of Silver. She has taken my breath away, and will be part of my upcoming coloring book (see below). Varda can take us back to our original stories, our prehistory, and connect us with our essential selves, our star selves. Imagine that!


Astro-Special for BIRTHDAY MONTH ASTRO SPECIAL—ARIES, it’s time for your birthday overview. We use the special window of your birthday chart along with current planetary cycles. One hour, $120. This special fee also applies to a birthday gift. Give a Gift of the Stars! I have special e-cards you can use. Message me or email me at

Astro-Special for 1961-1969 Chiron in Pisces people—This eclipse is particularly strong in nudging you across a bridge into new territory, bringing up issues that are in the way of getting there. Don’t get stuck on the bridge! Insights are in your cosmic blueprint. 1 hour, $116, until next New Moon. OR 3-session special for $296.