Depth Astrology, AstroMythology & the Cosmic Feminine

Full Moon at 11 LEO-Aquarius 37
January 31, 2018, 8:27am EST, 5:27am PST, 1:27pm GMT
February 1, 12:27am AEDT (not Blue in Sydney, Australia)

PeggyL.Full Red Moon rising.9-6-17

Image: Full Red Moon Rising, photo by Cosmic Inspiration reader Peggy Lenahan.

It was pretty special to have a Super Full Moon to begin 2018, auguring an “interesting” year. Now this Full Moon ups the ante by being not only Super, but Blue and a Total Eclipse as well. Well! Well done, Moon. High fiving you, Kosmos.

A Super Moon is closer to Earth than usual. A Blue Moon is a second Full Moon in one month. A Total Eclipse is indicated by a close conjunction with the Nodes of the Moon, points where the Moon crosses the path of the Sun. This is a veritable convergence of especially special. Let it be so.

Science magazine says such a phenomenon hasn’t happened since 1866, calling it a “super blue blood moon eclipse,” since an eclipsed moons has a ruddy, “bloody” appearance. People in western North America, Asia, Australia, and most of the eastern hemisphere will see this eclipse. If you can see it, will your blood turn blue? A Blueblood is often defined as “a person of noble birth.” This is relevant to the Leo archetype, with its royal solar flair/flare.

I imagine the ruddy and blue Moon to turn some shade of purple, calling for magic. In esoteric tradition, the amethyst Violet Ray is the source of invocation and ceremonial magic, the fusion of spirit and matter, and the transfiguration effect of angelic love and compassion. The energy of this ray moves through channels in our bodies to dispel shadows and heal. Take a large full breath and see how that feels. Do you become more aware of the rhythm of your heart? On this Full Moon, the large breath of Aquarius increases the rich blood flow through the heart of Leo, releasing dark, stagnant areas and inviting a broader spectrum of light.

So often these days we hear and use the word “transformation.” I was piqued when the related word, “transfiguration,” popped up while writing. I had to look for a definition to clarify its meaning and potential for such a rare Lunar Eclipse, and found: “a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state;” “an exalting, glorifying, or spiritual change.” All this makes more than sense— thrilling the soul and stirring the spirit.

Eclipses this year continue to highlight the Aquarius-Leo polarity and pull in a challenge from Jupiter in Scorpio. We have a mild solar eclipse on the upcoming February 15 New Moon, and two more in July and August. Another powerful total lunar eclipse on July 27 will remind us of this one.

The sign of Aquarius involves social context, circles smaller and larger that we are each part of—neighborhoods, towns, counties, states, provinces, national and international, and on social media. The sign Leo shines on the sovereign individual who stands upright with strong heart and participates personally in those various social layers and networks. The continuing motto, signaled by the August Solar Eclipse, highlights the Leo call to step up into more of who you really are. So, who are you? How do you relate to those around you? What mirror effect is reflected from others? Do you feel good with that reflection? There is some shifting of networks and neighborhoods happening, as we are each opening to a wider bandwidth of consciousness and coming into fuller expression of Self and perceive relevant changes in progress accordingly.

Jupiter in Scorpio reveals shadows that get in the way of the light. Come to think of it, an eclipse does something similar. Jupiter opens access to deep, hidden secrets, desires and potentials, tapping a deep internal source of renewal, revival, regeneration. Stagnant waters are unblocked and released, like a waterfall or a geiser. Are you willing to look at some of the “drudge” that may come up, surrender to the lessons learned, the wisdom gained, and turn lead turn into gold like the Alchemists of old? Listen to your Heart.

Sun/South Node lets us rest or revel in our social nest or leads us to realize that we are no longer comfortable in it. Perhaps we want to expand our social horizons. Venus is present here, in her extended visit to the region of the Sun. She shines through the life force in Aquarius, radiating good will. The Goddess of Love and Beauty is about the values we live by, a key consideration as we move along in this big change year. In this time of politicized polarities, we need to come back and honor our common ground, tap into the foundational love and goodwill beneath and beyond judgments and personal bias.

Song suggestion: the Youngblood’s classic.
“Come on people, now smile on your brothers.
Everybody “Get Together,” try to love one another right now.”

Moon/North Node is closely accompanied by Ceres. This dwarf planet in the asteroid belt is the goddess of the grain, who feeds her people, body and soul. She is like a shepherdess who watches over the flocks and the fields, keeping vigil to assure safety, bounty and wellbeing. She is on your side. She may be calling your heart to participate more fully in community or to foster your creative output to a new level of expression. The life we live and the love we share can be our most meaningful creations, the hallmark of our lives by which we are appreciated and honored.

On this very day, Mercury moves into Aquarius, upping social network activity. We still have Saturn, Pluto and Black Moon Lilith in Capricorn. Have you gotten yourself squared up and focused, buckled in the driver’s seat of your daily flow? Are you ready now to open up to larger issues while keeping your vehicle on track, open to alterations based on what’s going on around you? Wherever the technology is heading, this isn’t time for a driverless car in terms of your life fulfillment. Mars now in Sagittarius motivates us to keep going in the direction our heart calls us toward. Mars and Venus are in a special, encouraging emotional attunement, like an internal, intuitive, GPS system. Listen to those messages that ring with truth for you. Ask for that guidance to be turned up if you are not quite sure. Sometimes all we need to do it ask.

A Total Eclipse indicates shifting gears, walking through a portal. You decide and do what you need to do. Take responsibility, so others don’t take you on a ride you don’t want go on. Take care of yourself. Breathe deeply to support heart health. Transformation/ transfiguration is occurring on deep levels, personally and potentially collectively. Be courageous. Don’t be pulled into negativity or fear—that’s BIG, maybe the most important thing to let go of, as it eclipses love. A basic choice in life: Love or Fear. All is not as it seems. Stay alert, interested, excited. Sharpen your discretion and discernment. Sweep cobwebs of doubt and old assumptions away.

When the Moon is turned off (eclipsed) find your blue or violet sanctuary.
Clear the clutter and enter your more spacious inner room with joy.
Have fun! Celebrate! Create! Play! Love! Dance and Sing your Heart Song!

Sound track suggestions from two jazzy blues singers:
Nina Simone sings:
“Stars when you shine, you know how I feel..
It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn, it’s a new life….feeling good.”

and, of course, BLUE MOON by Billie Holiday,

Listen again, the 1961 doo-wop version by The Marcels.
