Depth Astrology, AstroMythology & the Cosmic Feminine

May 25, 3:45pm EDT, 12:45pm PDT, 8:45pm BST,
May 26, 5:45am AEST


Image: The Blue Circus, Marc Chagall, detail, 1950-52. Photo by author from 2017 show at Musee des Beaux Arts, Montreal. What a wonderful expedition.

A Gemini New Moon has a trickster side, this time with a Mars-driven edge of hee-hee behind it. This one is playing around with truth and consequences, opposite Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius, which loves to throw us for a loop. Don’t assume anything.

Mars is juggling its whole collection of balls, clubs, rings, maybe some knives or fire torches in the mix. Opposite Saturn in Sagittarius, this pushy planet may be creating a bit of havoc, maybe just for fun, but also may face some serious consequences. Watch your step and watch your tongue. There are just so many balls we can juggle without getting scrambled up and dropping some balls.

For instance, how many versions of truth can we juggle without getting confused and way off-track? Maybe we need to drop some versions of the “truth” that don’t resonate. Can we listen to our Sagittarian intuitive truth-meter and focus on our own path, while keeping a Gemini open mind for new information that can further inform us?

Juggling can be good for your brain, studies have shown. Crossing both hands from side to side in front of you strengthens the corpus callosum, a broad band of nerve fibers which joins and facilitates communication between the two hemispheres of the brain. This bundle of nerve tissue contains over 200 million axons—nerve fibers that carry electrical impulses. Various dual hemisphere activities can increase this band, for quicker and broader information transmission. Somewhere I got the idea that Chiron rules this area, with its capacity to bridge levels of consciousness. Chiron is still active with Saturn, on call to enhance transmissions from higher mind to lower mind, just what Sagittarius and Gemini love to do in their vertical tennis match.

Now that Venus has completed its full retrograde cycle, and still in forthright Aries, it is moving into the power dynamic with Pluto (at this New Moon) and then Uranus (at the beginning of June). In its current square with Pluto, Venus insists that we operate with full values clarification. For the next week, Venus is showing her dark goddess face to reconfigure reality like the artiste that she is. In other words, a even a small dash of provocative Moulin Rouge dancer Josephine Baker goes a long way.

The Sabian symbol for this New Moon at 5 Gemini confirms this:
“A Radical Magazine Displays a Sensational Front Page.” Can you figure out which is “fake” news in an era in which mainstream media has gone rogue?

We are being encouraged to think differently and look under the surface, informed by deeper and truer values that are arising in our collective consciousness. This is “thinking” from the heart, changing the way we perceive and communicate and live with each other and with our world. Such perceptions give rise to new concepts and new words to describe our experience. Are you noticing yourself melding words together and coming up with a new ones? It’s kind of fun and fairly prevalent, I notice these days. Re-framing, re-imagining, and re-visioning our reality is one of the essential pieces of soul work we are all engaged in as the third millennium moves along.

Science tells us that we can re-script our past. Here is a great little video called “How the Quantum Eraser Rewrites the Past,” which reconsiders the nature of causality and advanced experiments that re-explore the nature of light, duality, hidden variables, entanglement, non-locality and retroactive change. I’m still trying to get this stuff, so I can’t yet explain it well.
This is going to boggle your mind—in a good way. Enjoy.
(If you need to watch the first video he mentions, do it!)

Filters in the psyche choose what we perceive as reality. These filters have been dissolving or calcifying in these last months. The images we carry in our mind’s eye affect our perception of outer “reality.” The images that we hold in our unconscious, even more importantly than our consciousness, determine how we view life. There is a distinction between imagination and fantasy. Personal, subjective experience is an integral part of work with the imagination, yet the Neptunian aspect of social conditioning may impose false illusions that lead to a tendency to indulge in fantasy rather than to creatively engage the imagination. Fantasizing is like blowing bubbles, whereas imagination taps into the spiritual ground of our very being. Imagination, the creative function of the mind, is a complex concept involves a variable synthesis of thought, idea, mind, meaning, growth, and spiritual inspiration. This new Moon cycle is a great opportunity to more get clear on this.

As we continue reinvent or at least revitalize our language, it must come out of the core, the underground, of our experience. In The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, mystic visionary Matthew Fox writes:

“It is out of deep experience that language is reborn. This rebirth occurs through the generation of new images, for images are closer to our experience than words. Images are the midwives between experience and language. A mystical awakening will entail an awakening of the power of images to heal, to name, to excite, to teach.”
