Greetings, Cosmic News readers,
I’m taking advantage of a new opportunity that has come my way to review and change my Cosmic News format. For so many years I have been writing both a New and Full Moon article. Twice a month keeps me at the computer more than I like. I have been invited to contribute a monthly Cosmic News to the revitalized “Monthly Aspectarian,” a longtime networking publication out of Chicago. Many of you in the Midwest will be seeing Cosmic News in print. In order to include “all the [Cosmic] news that’s fit to print” in one article, I continue to focus on the Moon cycle to track the rhythm of the planetary patterns in our experience and highlight the strongest themes of the month.
You’ll now be getting Cosmic News at the turning of the month. You can print it out and highlight dates. Serendipitously, this October 29 Full Moon falls, or rises, at such a point, making it the right time for this change. For this first monthly, I have drawn on the last couple Cosmic News issues to bring my new readers up to date. I’m a little reluctant about moving away from the rhythmic Moon emails, even while appreciating that the new monthly format is going to increase my writer’s ease and allow more time for other creative work. I’ll share some of its fruits with you. In addition to visual art, I will be developing audio MP3s, DVDs and web talks this coming year. I may continue to post extra newsnotes along the way. Feedback welcome.
It’s that time of year to remind you that I welcome and appreciate support to continue sending Cosmic News via email using on the My Newsletter Builder service. Contributors will be gifted with their choice from several of my new offerings. You can send a contribution ($15-$25 suggested) by check or paypal—see below.
Coincidentally, my rehabbed website is just about ready to be up and running: Obviously I want it up before Mercury goes direct, so look for it in the next few days. I’m going to use the Mercury retrograde review time to tweak the content. Again, feedback welcome.
IMAGE: Detail from “Eclipse Chasers,” collage by author from author’s Cosmic Feminine collage series.
We begin this month of November under the still bright but waning light of the OCTOBER 29 FULL MOON (3:50pm EDT, 7:50pm GMT). The planetary pattern of that Full Moon hits us with the full brunt of a brand new Saturn cycle. On the U.S. east coast, this is taking the form of Hurricane Sandy. The Ringed Planet entered Scorpio on October 5, where it spends the next two and a half years. By now, we have been alerted to a new situations or circumstances to deal with. This topic is worth extra attention this month.
Saturn has a bad reputation as a hardball player. As we gain live life and tuck some meaningful experience under our belts, we can welcome Saturn’s guidance and focus more than during our first 30-year Saturn round. This taskmaster does test us, often with a fairly stern reality check, but also with an alert that this is time to step up, to manifest the next level of our capacity. Scorpio is deep and penetrating. Saturn is likely to face us with skeletal facts, bare bone situations and an undeniable necessity to let go on some level. Maybe we need to surrender to something that has been nudging us for a while, but has now become inescapably compelling or inevitable. Saturn is the timekeeper; Scorpio is the sign of deeply hidden motivations and urges, often transformative to an extreme.
I don’t mean to fear-monger, though Scorpio can evoke our fears, yet also our desires, even those we have not wanted to acknowledge. Discernment is needed to feel what those truly are, to honor our truest heart-felt desires. Scorpio can be a redemptive sign, as we let go of certain issues that have been in our way for way too long. This is the time to resolve and put them behind you. It often means saying “no,” which sounds a lot easier than it turns out to be in Scorpio’s thorough process. Saturn is a planet of maturing, mastering and manifesting. In Scorpio it requires that we let go of resistant and judgmental attitudes in order to make room for the best that can happen in the global process or renewal. This is the 21st century Renaissance.
If you are a Scorpio, especially an October-born Scorpio, you are tapped for Saturn’s first round of draft picks. Your life purpose urges you on to the step level of accomplishment. You find out what is called for and face yourself to step up and get to it. Next summer is your deadline. Moon sign Scorpios are going to examine and let go of outworn family patterns. Are you Scorpio rising? You come to a new level of personal responsibility.
Especially affected are those born with one of the outer planets in Scorpio: The NEPTUNE generation (1957/58, to 1970) learns to curb seductive fantasies and trust their natural psychic sensitivity. The URANUS generation (1975/76-1983) furthers their revolution into quantum consciousness. The PLUTO generation (1983/84 – 1995/96) is challenged to manifest its potential for transforming fear to the power of love. The oldest of this group are having their first Saturn return, a major step into self-responsibility. The youngest of this group have graduated from high school and are heading out into a world in major transition. Saturn transiting the Pluto of this generation strips life to the bottom line. At such a young age their resilience is tested as they are tapped to remake the world.
It is useful for us all to think back 29 years ago, to the fall/winter of 1983, when Saturn last made this same sign change into Scorpio accompanied by Pluto. This power duo inaugurated a profound collective shift. We are now harvesting, remembering, redeeming, and resolving some issues of that time. With Pluto in Saturn’s sign (Capricorn) and Saturn now in Pluto’s sign (Scorpio), it’s time for meaningful and inevitable changes. Earth herself is stirred from deep in her heart and will be demonstrating her transformation. Best that we do the same.
This Saturnian-flavored Full Moon is in smooth flow with watery Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. While this can suggest the stirred up waters, it also offers a healing flow of cosmic energies, an emotional clearing house effect. This subtle vibrational pairing of consciousness-shifting planets is brought into action by this next feature. Prepare to bring your intuition right brain capacities into play, and realize the wisdom of your emotional body. Radiate joy to sweep away anxieties and experience the great difference in your life.
This process of “back-think” is aided by Mercury, in retrograde most of this month. This Trickster Planet turns retrograde right on Election Day, suggesting recounts and possible fraud. It stays in backward motion, rather like a Michael Jackson Moonwalk, through November 26. This three-weeks of re-thinking, offers an opportunity to take a second look at where we’ve been and where we are heading as we move further into the global change process. Don’t believe everything you hear. We need to investigate, research, fact-check and beware manipulative misinformation.
Mercury turns retrograde in early Sagittarius (November Sagittarians are especially tuned in), but spends most of those weeks in Scorpio, adding extra planetary oomph to this transformational sign that works from the inside out. Deep issues surface and secrets are revealed, as we scrutinize our motivations and those of others. Scorpio is about letting go, as natural a process as leaves dropping from the trees. Can we unhook from the seduction of glamour and the illusions that surround us, that waste our time and money, and undermine our potential? Yes, we can erase old mental tapes and find new grooves. We dig deeper to the wellspring of our core vitality. Rather than be pulled down by negative news and attitudes, let us turn our minds and hearts toward revitalizing and life-affirming thoughts and actions. We re-engage what is most meaningful to us at a soul level.
A peak point in the Mercury retrograde cycle is its conjunction with the Sun, on Saturday the 17th, a magical alchemical moment. Mercury moves forward toward the end of the month under the Full Moon. As we head into December, Mercury moves back into Sagittarius. Our intuition is tuned up and our direction becomes clearer.
Newly in Pisces, the God of the Sea in the sign of The Fish, is quite at home after 150 years. Mermaids and mermen celebrate. The subtle nuances of this new 14-year cycle are vibrationally sensitive, at best evoking poetry, music and compassion, at its worst, polluted waters, collective denial and escapism. Neptune, retrograde since early June, turns the tide so we can set sail on the outgoing currents. More on this important cycle in coming months.
MARS INTO CAPRICORN, November 16-December 25
The Action Planet is very capable in Capricorn, ready to take charge and make a plan. Watch out for precipitous and game-changing confrontations and global activity as Mars squares revolutionary Uranus in Aries and conjuncts deconstructionist Pluto in Capricorn on November 23-27, as Mercury is turning direct. It may not all look pretty, but the Occupy movement is gaining ground from the underground.
This month, as we head toward the popularized Mayan calendar date of December 21, 2012, we pass through two eclipses that shift the rhythm of our daily experience. November 13 gives us a powerful total eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio, mainly visible in the South Pacific. A lesser eclipse of the Full Moon in Taurus on November 28 will dim part of the Moon in skies from Europe, across Asia and North America.
The NEW MOON on NOVEMBER 13 (5:08pm EST, 10:08pm GMT)
is a TOTAL ECLIPSE, one the strongest new moons of the year. Eclipses are like cosmic doors that close, as new ones open. There is an energetic shift that ripples through the Earth’s field. This New Moon inaugurates a powerful transmission that compels us to let go of what no longer serves our best interests, personally and globally.
Eclipses are marked by the Nodes of the Moon, points on either side of the sky, where the path of the Moon crosses the path of the Sun, heading northward or southward. Always in polarity, the Nodes indicate karmic inclinations and a call of destiny. The North Node, the one creating this eclipse, is called the Dragon Head. Imagine, as many cultures have, that a fire-breathing dragon is eating the Sun. The Dragon Head is a point of compulsion and driving intensity, especially in such a passionate sign as Scorpio. It also opens access to innovation and regeneration.
Each of us is called to take charge on an intimate personal level to let go beyond fearful hesitation, beyond damaging, even obsessive patterns that have rendered us powerless in some way. This is a laser-like energy that penetrates into deep recesses of our inner world. Scorpio taps into the hidden undercurrents of the invisible sub-atomic world. Unconscious motivations can drive us, as can our hormones and emotions. We need to harness this energy and redirect it, like a martial artist, to navigate the Niagara Falls intensity of Scorpio’s passion, will power and depth.
The SUN moves into upbeat SAGITTARIUS on November 21, the same day as
VENUS moves into sultry SCORPIO, the same day, with the strong emotional power of the dark goddess.
MERCURY turns direct on the 26, still in Scorpio. It will head into Sagittarius again December 10, ready to interface with Neptune and Chiron again for another mind-altering flood of intuitive illumination. I’m looking forward to this Mercury retrograde round!
The FULL MOON on NOVEMBER 28 (9:46am EST, 2:46pm GMT)
is another eclipse, a shadowy penumbral eclipse of the Sagittarius Sun and Gemini Moon. I identify full moons by the polarity of the Sun and Moon signs. This eclipse occurs close to the Mercury retrograde point of November 6, a second indication that we are concluding this process. It will be interesting to see what is going on by then. The news will be full of it. I’ll communicate with you again on the other side of these eclipses.
ASTRO-SPECIAL—for all SCORPIOS and NOVEMBER SAGITTARIANS! who are experiencing a huge cosmically active November, feeling the strongest impact from Mercury retrograde and the eclipses. Also for Scorpio Ascendants. 45 minute Cosmic Update for $95.
Any level of contribution is very appreciated to cover the cost of emailing. $10, $15, $20, $25, whatever you can send is great. I will thank contributors with the offer of one of my new offerings. You can send a check to me at: PO Box 37, St John, VI 00831 or via paypal to my email, I can send a pp bill.
(If you know it, read your Ascendant sign also).
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SCORPIO, PASSIONATE POKER PLAYERS OF THE ZODIAC— You may feel a deep need to consolidate, maybe even pull back and reconsider your strategies. Likely you realize that the current circumstances are untenable in the long run. Your motivation is strong to develop a new situation. Your perception can be quite acute and you know where to dig for the information you need. Saturn is a strict visitor, and some time in the next year or two, you will be called upon. This month you can get a good start on cleaning house. It is time to be accountable, to focus your immense will power and drive for further accomplishment. Saturn will reward you.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAGITTARIUS, ADVENTUROUS PHILOSOPHERS— Do you feel a stirring deep inside that has you asking questions of yourself and your life? This is not a rational process and may make you grumpy, or discouraged, even sad, not your usual upbeat self. Take time out. Let yourself be pulled into the deeper sanctuary of your inner being, so that your intuition and natural guidance can come through clear and strong. Your enthusiasm needs a jump-start. This is how you can find inspiration. Things become clearer in mid-December when a bunch of planets enter your sign and light your fire.
CAPRICORN— Planets of major change are zeroing in on your life, as many of you well know by now. Things break free in the spring, though you can’t sit back and wait. Considered action is timely. Locate friendly support.
AQUARIUS— Things may slow down this month, giving you an opportunity to review your plans, even if you don’t think you need to. Review your career plans, as new responsibilities may require reevaluation.
PISCES— This month has a watery feel that may be pleasing, but be aware of the strong undercurrents that move you in new directions. Don’t ignore strong feelings and intuitions. Give extra time to listen to the guidance offered.
ARIES— More impatient than usual, you can’t push the river, especially now. By mid-December things may start to move forward and offer some of the excitement you crave. Keep your ears and eyes out for good ideas that grab you.
TAURUS— Watch your level of attachment to situations that are ready to change. Can you consider letting go? Practicing this as an exercise may serve you so well that you end up finding good reasons to do so.
GEMINI— Your current tendency to be easily distracted can be counter-productive. Take a breather, slow down, and regain your sense of direction. With season gearing up, you can’t afford to drop too many balls.
CANCER— You may be feeing a push and pull that results in taking things too personally. Some quiet time may be in order to reflect and sort out what is stirring inside you, so you can more clearly understand others.
LEO— A lot of drama is going on under the surface, which can make you uncomfortable. Check in with yourself before you express yourself too strongly. Your best self sets a good and loving example to others. Making art or dancing can creatively channel powerful feelings.
VIRGO— Look around. You may see things rearranging themselves before your eyes. You are the one who may, as usual, attend to the nitty-gritty as some things are unraveling a bit. Still, your horizons are opening, and new goals emerge.
LIBRA— You are at your charming best for November, but don’t luxuriate and overspend, as you will regret it next month. A reality-check in your financial sector is called for. Attend to it and you will reap long-term rewards.
Kelley Hunter, Ph.D. is an internationally known astrologer and mythologist, author of Living Lilith: Four Dimensions of the Cosmic Feminine and Black Moon Lilith. She lives in the Virgin Islands, where she leads stargazing nights for star-struck visitors. A Sagittarian, she travels far and wide for teaching and lecturing. Visit her website at or on FaceBook: Kelley Hunter, Astro-Mythology.