The Full Moon so close to the end of the month is cooperating nicely with this transition from two Moon-based Cosmic News articles per month to one longer monthly one. I’ll continue to review and update the current Full Moon info within the new monthly format while the Full Moons continue to occur toward the end of the month, a situation that lasts well into the spring 2013. You see that I’ve reviewed the November 28 Full Moon before looking into December.
A shadowy penumbral eclipse of the Sagittarius Sun and Gemini Moon followed up the powerful, deep, total Scorpio New Moon eclipse on November 13. Wow, I’m still feeling it, a profound sadness grabbed me and made me let go at some level I cannot fully understand. Something profound shifted, did you feel it too? The Full Moon freed up some energy and was a visual treat, sandwiched between Jupiter and Aldebaran, the red supergiant star that marks the Eye of Taurus, the Bull.
I identify full moons by the polarity of the Sun and Moon signs. This eclipse occurs close to the Mercury retrograde point of November 6, tapping into the alchemy of Mercury. Now moving forward, Mercury returns to its November 6 point on the next New Moon, completing a significant process of exposing and realigning our beliefs to fit more resonantly with our desires.
Read what I write below about the December 13, about the T-square energy, a planetary pattern, which activates a lot of energy. This Full Moon is fully plugged into it: the Sun in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Gemini conjunct Jupiter and Black Moon Lilith, all squaring Neptune/ Chiron. Altered states are on the increase, with an intriguing rearrangement of time and space. It will be interesting to see what is going on by the next New Moon, when Mercury is activating this same T-square. The news will be full of it.
This Full Moon plugged into two other are juicy aspects that make a special pattern called a “finger of God” with the Full Moon/ Jupiter/ Black Moon trio.
MARS was exactly CONJUNCT PLUTO in CAPRICORN (and therefore square Uranus in Aries), activating the major global restructuring in progress. Time for a new action plan in your life as well, especially now that Mercury is moving forward.
VENUS was CONJUNCT SATURN in SCORPIO, continues to stir up deep issues. As we open up to Saturn’s guidance, we can feel into a plan that will be very rewarding. The work is to realign our emotional response to align with what we truly and deeply desire. What will motivate you to take steps in the new direction called for? What beliefs get in the way and cause resistance?
These two interesting conjunctions create a high level of energy flow in this Full Moon. We can either rise to the occasion, seeking unusual options that create magic, or we can fret with anxiety and fears. The financial arena is a major theme. How are we going to cross over the Solstice portal? We need a new vision and a new strategy. Figure out how you can work it in your life and KNOW that it can amazingly turn out for the best. Isn’t that what we all want?
December 2012 has arrived, with the now-famous Mayan calendar end date at hand. Some folks are starting early on 12-12-12. Mayan scholar Carl Callahan believes it already happened in October 2011. The Mayans focused particularly on the positioning of the Milky Way through time and were aware of the Precession of the Equinoxes, the 26,000-year cycle of zodiacal ages. Not only does the March Equinox change sign every 2160 years or so; all four arms of the great cosmic cross shift, both Equinoxes and the two Solstices. As we head into the Age of Aquarius, the December 21 Solstice aligns with the Galactic Center. This rare phenomenon marks the end and beginning of one precessional cycle, an end and restart of the cosmic clock. This is big news, remarkable enough to pass down to generations to follow, as the Mayans did.
This rare cosmic passage takes place over several decades, at least, already signaled by extraordinary solar flares, electrical skies, historic storms and global consciousness awakening. This month may be the peak moment, the turning point. Certainly many people are focusing attention on the December 21 date, expecting dramatic change for better or worse.
The opening visuals of “Skyfall”, the new James Bond movie, beautifully symbolize this moment. Bond is drifting under water. A large hand reaches up for him and pulls him down, down, down and through a wormhole that opens up at the bottom of the sea. A wormhole is an astrophysics concept of a vortex that leads out of this universe into an alternate one, or from this dimension of space-time into another.
The new energy may not manifest in an obvious way on Solstice Day—do we need the big drama?—but we can think of it as a significant turning point, a tipping point, in our global—and galactic—experience. It’s more about opening our inner space. A great global celebration is called for on December 22, the day after Solstice, to bring in the new cosmic energy wave. Are you feeling it?
Let’s explore the astrology of December.
This Trickster planet turned forward (finally!) on November 26 and completes this (intense!) retrograde cycle at 4 degrees Sagittarius on December 13, the day of the New Moon. Mercury has been stirring the deep cauldron of Scorpio, evoking strong, even irrational feelings, perhaps unconsciously held for a long time, that need to be resolved and released. It’s a meaningful process and not one we can understand with our heads, only our hearts from the inside out.
This Mercury retrograde cycle has clearly indicated that it doesn’t feel good to follow the downward spiral of negative feelings. We have the power—and responsibility—to change our perspective from wrong thinking to reach our heart’s true desire, and take us across the Solstice point with positive motivation and the Sagittarian inspiration to co-create the world we want.
NEW MOON at 22 degrees SAGITTARIUS, December 13 (2:42am CST, 8:42am GMT)
This New Moon frees up a lot more energy. There is a lot to say about this New Moon! In addition to the completion of the Mercury retrograde cycle:
URANUS TURNS DIRECT MOTION at 4 degrees Aries. This planet of revolution and higher mind lights the sky with fireworks of global change. Actions that have been stirring behind the scenes, perhaps influencing the U.S. elections, now jump forward. There is no holding back the initiative for change. Uranus and Mercury are in cahoots, talking up lots of innovative, inspiring ideas and enthusiastic action. Plans in the works for months (Uranus went retrograde in July) are now moving forward. Join the revolution, take the pledge of the starship Enterprise: “To explore [to create] strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before! ” The Full Moon at the end of this month, after the Solstice, picks up this pledge and takes it to the next level. See below.
A T-SQUARE IS A KEY PATTERN of this New Moon, involving planets at three corners of the sky, a motivating pattern that moves energy and calls for vigilant adaptation and action.
MERCURY in SAGITTARIUS is opposite JUPITER in GEMINI, both challenged by the elusive nuances of NEPTUNE and CHIRON in PISCES. When Mercury went retrograde on November 6, it picked up on this same pattern, so we are coming full circle with the alternative implications of the elections and the status of the collective dream. Neptune is the dreamtime planet, still at the beginning of its 14-year cycle in Pisces. With Chiron, indicating “alternative” anything and everything, we have witnessed some interesting new threads and trends coming out of the recent elections. “Compassion” and “go with the flow” are key phrases for Pisces. With a trend toward legalizing gay marriage and de-criminalizing medical and recreational use of marijuana, we start to see an emerging new vision of “be and let be.”
Sagittarius is a sign of law and ethics. How many politicians are in trouble for not walking their talk? We each need to step in integrity. Belief systems are being questioned, as the spirituality of Neptune/ Chiron melts down self-righteousness. Personally we can revision our past and practice self-compassion as we let go of regrets and sadness over mistakes and missed opportunities, making amends where possible. Life may feel short and fragile, as time seems to microscope into shorter days and months that zip by. Jupiter in Gemini is open-minded, curious and interested to entertain a variety of viewpoints.
JUPITER is accompanied by a subtle astrological factor called BLACK MOON LILITH, a key mathematical point connected to the Earth-Moon system. Named for an ancient goddess who lived in the Tree of Life, sometimes seen as the Serpent that offered Eve the apple, this influence confronts us with ego issues that inhibit soul expression. In Gemini Lilith conveys a high order of intelligence beyond the rational. She plays with duality in order to lure us into a more spacious context that can contain both sides, like a tennis match. The paradox of dark and light is often exaggerated to extremes. With a Mona Lisa smile, she hints that we step back from our own automatic responses to view all facets of the crystal of our experience, rather than get caught up in one side or the other. She had a grand time during the elections! What is Lilith saying to you? What viewpoint are you resisting?
One of my new news sources is A recent posting by Chris Bourne called “dealing with Darkness by Finding the Ancient Light,” spoke to me in relation to these current planetary movements.
“With a positive exploration however, fearlessly falling into it, looking for the ancient light, honouring our expression yes, but resisting projection onto others by holding the energy within, then the inner alchemy will cause the lost fragments of soul that are identifying with the event to reintegrate and the darkness will then wash away. We’ll quickly find ourselves ‘bobbing back up to the surface’ once more.”
In Scorpio since Thanksgiving, Venus continues the emotional intensity for half this month. On the North Node for this New Moon, Venus evokes a collective desire for attuning to values that enhance wellbeing. As a financial planet, Venus indicates the current grappling with the “fiscal cliff.” We have to decide with what values and motivations we are addressing such issues, personally, nationally and globally. Venus as the planet of relationship here holds a potential for a fusion of new affiliations that can overcome dark, destructive, obsessive emotional tendencies in Scorpio. We must acknowledge past conflicts, reevaluate in response to the current context, which calls us to join together for a larger purpose beyond selfish and nationalistic interests.
Venus moving into Sagittarius may see important legislation and international agreements. Personally, as we uplift our belief systems about our own worthiness, we can direct our hearts toward greater emotional fulfillment in our love lives and financial potential. Venus rules the law of attraction. All the Scorpio energies of November into December are helping us redirect our values and vision of what is possible.
SUN into CAPRICORN, December 21, 2012 Solstice (5:15am CST, 11:15am GMT)
As the Sun aligns with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, our solar system is in direct alignment with galactic “headquarters” for the first time in 26,000 years. Whether that is a mysterious black hole or the cosmic dancing ground of Shiva/Shakti, the god/goddess, certainly strong energy fields are surging into our planet, impacting weather as well as consciousness. The Sun in Capricorn is moving into alignment with transmutational Pluto while the Moon in Aries has just ignited Uranus. The way some planets are tapping into the wider backdrop of fixed stars opens more story lines, not possible to include here. You may check in on my website ( or my Facebook page (Kelley Hunter, AstroMythology) for further information as the Solstice comes closer.
MARS into AQUARIUS, December 25
The beginning of Aquarius is a breath of fresh air in the Zodiac. In Sumerian mythology, Enki is a magician god, shown with a foot on the Capricorn mountain and streams of water pouring out of his shoulders, like the Aquarian Water Carrier. In the famous myth of the descent of the goddess Inanna (Venus), Enki sends small magical messengers to soothe the dark goddess, representing our unhealed emotions, thereby effecting Inanna’s release from imprisonment in realm of death. Think of Mars opening our energy is such a way.
After the Scorpio passage we have recently experienced, we can now engage the broad perspective of Aquarius toward social action. A domino effect in leadership initiatives is created by innovative affiliations that cross geographic, religious and political borders. Be it Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or Happy Kwanzaa, the Solstice is the true Holy Day of December and the New Year.
FULL MOON in CANCER-CAPRICORN, December 28 (4:21am CST, 10:21am GMT)
The first post-Solstice Full Moon is a potent one. The Sun is conjunct transformational Pluto, while the Full Moon reflects this powerful conjunction, with a clean sweep of energy. Pluto razes the old, outworn structures, rules and regulations ever further as Capricorn invites the Earth to demonstrate her power for regeneration and enlivens sacred geometries, ley lines and power places. Inevitably this Full Moon also squares electrical Uranus, as the two outer planets relentlessly propel the revolution and renaissance of our time, a global process that unfolds well into 2015. We live in profound mythic times, as illustrated by our movies, reflections of the collective dream. So many titles have been coming out!
Bolivia is an interesting example of an approach that responds to the Pluto-Uranus call. This article outlines the recent history of this South American country:
A triangle formed by the water signs gives strength to the feelings, as well as indicating the continuing power of water on many levels of our experience. Caring Cancer can tune into what is needed on the personal and global level, though we need to be careful not to react defensively to the necessity of change. Neptune/Chiron in Pisces encourages kindness and the sense that we are all in this together. Water flows everywhere as rain merges into rivers, lakes and ponds, then carried to the oceans. Saturn in Scorpio taps into deep resources, as regeneration is called for on many levels.
Open-mindedness to new information and strategies can greatly benefit how we address our situations and what is going on in the larger picture. A variety of options stimulate a global vision that can satisfy at least the 99%. The pieces of the puzzle start to fit together.
MERCURY into CAPRICORN, December 31
On secular New Year’s Eve, Mercury echoes the Solstice point by entering Capricorn. Within days it will engage the Pluto-Mercury square to ignite all sorts of new ideas and interesting news! I’ll be back with you then, on the other side of the Solstice vortex. Enjoy the ride. If you’re not there yet, there is still time.
SPECIAL ASTRO-SPECIAL for the NEW ERA— Is it time to look into your planetary cycles for 2013? I’m excited to talk with you about what is going on with you in these extraordinary times. Sometimes we need input to see the possibilities that are right before us. Here is an opportunity to get an overview to help you aim your arrow into the New Year, New Era, with more clarity and intention. You’ll be able to listen to the recording all year. If you prefer, I can make a recording without dialogue, though I do always enjoy the 3-way dialogue—you and me and the cosmos—and feel we can explore more deeply together.
I am offering a longer 90 minute session for my usual hourly fee of $150. This will allow us to focus on the strongest planetary dynamics and dig out some good information. This special needs to be booked in December and scheduled by mid-January.