Water Weaving, photo by author. I love watching the interactions of wave, wind, current and sunlight on these Caribbean waters. I think the invisible weavings of energy fields in space must be like this.
The NEW MOON at 18+ GEMINI begins a new cycle on JUNE 8 [11:56am, EDT, 8:56am PDT, 3:56pm GMT]. Mars and Jupiter-Black Moon flank the New Moon in Gemini, creating some intriguing planetary interactions.
This is an “out-of-the-box” activation where the edges of reality dissolve into a kaleidoscope of possible outcomes, like a crossroads with many paths to follow, psychedelic or psychotic at their extremes. “The Earth is as we Dream it,” say the shamans. Let us “Imagine,” along with John Lennon, the New Dream, not the nightmare that has been promoted by the greedy power-hungry. Let’s turn our face to the light, to a more compelling vision.
This Moon cycle jump starts alternate realities as quantum energy waves infuse new vibrations into our collective consciousness. Consciousness is a field of energy encompassing the Cosmos. We are melting into it, even as we live our lives, which are not little and inconsequential, but indeed of mythic proportions if we could but know. We can know. Let’s activate the “god molecules” in our brains!
DMT, a chemical likely secreted by the pineal gland in the brain, is sometimes called the “god molecule.” Used as a psychedelic substance (as in ayahuasca), DMT is said to evoke an ego-less state of consciousness open to the field of original oneness that underlies matter. Along a similar line, scientists at CERN, an underground European nuclear research facility have likely identified the “god particle,” the Higgs boson, a key particle with creative quantum properties that gives mass to emerging matter. As above, so below. Such a building block of life is foundational to our experience. Planetary patterns like the ones in this Moon cycle can help us open our own consciousness of Being if we take the time to relax into our inner stillness.
The closest planetary dynamic is a challenging square between MARS in GEMINI (active Mars is restless in changeable Gemini) and NEPTUNE in PISCES (the DreamTime planet in the DreamTime sign). Mars can hardly stay still in Gemini, casting about for something interesting. Neptune drifts, goes with the flow. This combination could lead to some (maybe lots of) confusion and frustration about what to do. It is wise to take time to deeply relax and tune in to our inner guidance, so that anxiety and nervous tension doesn’t lead to angry reactivity or Neptunian escapism that further impairs our clarity. Take a break and do some deep breathing when you feel the tension.
Neptune, which is just turning retrograde, can evoke a shower of grace, a meditative still point that cooks up those god molecules. Neptune is in a supportive (trine) dynamic with SATURN in SCORPIO that is teaching us deep discernment and how to deal with the intensity of water. Since Saturn entered Scorpio last October, there has been lots of water-based destruction. The current floods in Europe are historic. The Atlantic hurricane season began on the fast track with Andrea churning waters up the East coast of the U.S. What is going on where you are?
Neptune, the God of the Sea, is a major part of the grand trine in water signs that we will now experience for several months, well into August. Water tunes into the feeling experience. Water and feelings are not rational, rather tuned to quality of experience, connections and bonds, what FEELS right. Water is more psychic than logical, coming from the heart, our most intelligent organ.
Listen to your heart beat.
In PISCES—NEPTUNE and CHIRON, until 2025 and 2017, respectively.
In SCORPIO—SATURN, until the end of 2014.
In CANCER—MERCURY, May 31-August 8;
VENUS, June 3-27;
June 8-March 4, 2014;
SUN, June 21-July 22;
MARS, July 13-August 28.
Whenever something moves into Cancer, it plugs into the powerful, over-arching Uranus-Pluto square, particularly dynamic this month, seriously turning the wheels of global change with no fooling around.
On this New Moon, Mercury (and in a few days, Venus as well) plugs into the Uranus-Pluto dynamic, exactly squaring Uranus while opposing Pluto. We are feeling something greater than ourselves unfold in this New Moon cycle. There is interesting, world-changing news. In the U.S., the trial of Bradley Manning begins. He is the young soldier who released information about the war in Afghanistan to Wiki-leaks. Has he betrayed his country or is he a hero? What else is claiming our attention? Expect last week’s global demonstrations to expose Monsanto’s corruption of grain seed that feeds the world to have ripple effects. The dwarf planet CERES in CANCER is part of this exposure initiative.
Economic (Venus) news (Mercury) is sure to be in the headlines. And we’ll each have our own personal stories of change and development. The transformative effects of this planetary square, accelerated by the recent eclipses, will more and more clearly be felt and seen.
At the same time, each Cancer planet creates a harmonious grand trine in water signs, entraining with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune/Chiron in Pisces, full of feeling and flow, sensitivity and emotional connection. This is a lovely, auspicious pattern to enjoy. We now join head with heart and listen to our feelings. We’re all in on this.
Last, but not least, JUPITER and BLACK MOON LILITH are closely joined at the far edge of Gemini. On this New Moon day, Black Moon Lilith moves into Cancer, across that potent Solstice gateway. Jupiter follows on June 25, a real change of tone—more on this next time. I have been playing with some ideas about the fusion of Jupiter with Black Moon Lilith, thinking of it as a Buddhist type of “crazy wisdom,” a brilliant intelligence in which dualistic beliefs are superseded in an expanded inquiry into what we perceive as reality. The spacious, lotus mind of Black Moon Lilith in Gemini offers wild, outrageous, mind-blowing transmissions. Surely these are coming in on the cosmic wavelengths Why not go there? Anything is possible (is it not?). This is the time to feel what the poet Rilke wrote about:
“Silent friend of many distances, feel
How your breath enlarges all of space…
In this immeasurable darkness, be the power
That rounds your senses in their magic ring,
The sense of their mysterious encounter.”