The FULL MOON on September 19 in 27 VIRGO-PISCES,
at 7:13am EDT, 4:13am PDT, 12:13pm GDT
Image: The Goddess & the Boat of Dreams, photo from The Chihully glass exhibit last year at the Dallas Arboretum
This Full Moon— Moon in Pisces reflecting the Sun in Virgo— highlights the potentials or disparity between idealism and pragmatism. “The world is as we dream it,” say the shamans. What practical steps can we implement to help make our dreams a reality? This is one of the most powerful days of the year, with an intensity that stirs deep passions and necessitates shrewd strategies to fuel a qualitative renewal. Are we dreaming Earth or is Earth dreaming us? We have an incredibly creative potential this month to do so.
Mars and Intense Venus with serious Saturn in Scorpio are at odds with courageous or selfish Mars in Leo, dancing a spicy tango for all they’re worth. This combo, peak on the 28th, is emotional stirring, seductive and romantic, challenging some relationships. Saturn (and Venus) conjuncts the North Node, a collective karma point, that is clear signal of endings and new beginnings. Apart from what we see in the news, there is a lot going on under the surface that will change the game and have lasting impact. Financial manipulations are in progress for better and worse. How are your finances and what can you improve them?
Absorb the peak Full Moon energy all morning, and expect ripple effects to last for months after this turning point. One opportune realization: money is not always necessary to get what we want. How else can we do it? Personal power or “magic” works from beneath the surface if we channel our emotional intensity like a psychic martial artist and join resources with others in co-creative endeavors. Self-serving motivations sabotage such efforts and undermine positive outcomes. Keep an inner eye on your own motivations as well as a sapient eye on those of others, as some shysters will be out for personal gain at the expense of others. This is a time of karmic retribution on the large scale that, again, ripples through the system for some time. The news will be full of it in the late night news. Don’t get too caught in the drama. Be ready to be of service if you see the need. Open your arms to the waterfall of Full Moon light to welcome the goodness of life and maintain a positive tone of mind. “The times they are a-changin.”
Here are the daily forecasts for the rest of September. With readers all over the world in different time zones, I’ve refrained from using specific times. See how they work for you. I won’t be continuing to print them in these newsletters. If you like them, you can continue to follow them online at Download the magazine in pdf. using the link.
I am working on a book of dailys for 2014. It will be out in November from The Monthly Aspectarian. I’ll let you know.
Friday, September 20
Full Moon effects continue to manifest, with the peak of the Moon’s engagement with Pluto-Uranus. The Moon ignites with the unsettling electricity of Uranus. As planet of The Awakener, sleep may be elusive or filled with dream from the higher mind. It might be worth writing them down. Pluto is stationary, changing direction from backward to forward motion. This increases its heat, like holding your hand over a flame. Some people won’t know if they are coming or going, so keep your calm amidst the chaos. By nightfall, the storm may have passed. Communications may be garbled, with misunderstandings and arguments, as we try to get our thoughts in order. Travel disruptions may feel like Mercury is retrograde, with its delays and frustrations, but that’s not until next month.
Saturday, September 21
A day off for most, this gives us time to respond to and talk about the repercussions of the last couple of days and take stock of our situations. Look for the silver lining and the rainbows beyond the storm clouds as we navigate these times of necessary transformation. Try something out of the ordinary, just for fun. Creative energies and emotional drama are still on the rise.
Sunday, September 22, Fall Equinox
The practical Taurus Moon prepares us to dig in, gather and use our resources. Much can be accomplished if we join together. Some resistance is to be expected from people who won’t pitch in. Unfortunately, this can result in nastiness and potentially violent tempers. Continue exercising your psychic martial artist. It becomes quite clear that a line is being drawn. You can say no, as appropriate. Certain issues and relationships are resolved.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LIBRANS. Day equals night, as the Equinox Sun heads south of the equator, entering Libra. Find your balance, as emotional tension is high. A massage or other bodywork can help, or some movement practice like Qi Gong, T’ai Chi to ground the energies. This is fabulous day, not just for artists, to channel energy into creative productivity. Whatever other expressive mediums we may use, the highest arts are living and loving. We are all artists in those realms, whether we know it or not.
Monday, September 23
The natural productivity of the earthly Taurus Moon may be frustrated and delayed. Patience is needed. Keep working things out. A mood of pleasure seeking colors the day, though a security-conscious Taurus Moon frowns upon rewarding ourselves by indulging in shopping sprees. Take it as easy as possible, enjoying the simple things in life, as you consolidate progress thus far this month.
Tuesday, September 24
Usually a busy bee, the Moon in Gemini today has a bit of a slow start with so many ideas and possibilities confusing our sense of direction with distractions on all sides. Never a dull moment, as the pick-up in the pace nevertheless feels good. Don’t believe everything you hear today. Check news sources and listen to your inner guidance. Take a time out to take a breather or extended coffee break or lunch hour to give the day a fresh feeling.
Wednesday, September 25
Lots of messages are passed along the airwaves, exciting news and views. Listen for new and different inspirations that stimulate you.
Thursday, September 26
Some conversations are still in progress, tapping into deep, rich satisfying veins of golden opportunity. The morning news is very interesting with some good news for a change. Good idea! Let’s look for the good news and uplift our hearts. As the day goes on, the Moon heads into its home sign of Cancer. We consult our hearts for the true rewards. Some things may sound like they make rational sense, but the heart opens a truer level of intelligence. In the evening a sensitive vibration calls for quiet time and a full night’s sleep.
Friday, September 27
The waning quarter Moon is a time of incorporating the revelation of the Full Moon into our lives. The Cancer Moon does that carefully, often with a tendency to regress to old familiar patterns that do not offer the level of growth we now desperately need. Some persons will be highly reactive with their defensive mechanisms on high alert. This is another day during which Moon interfaces with the Pluto-Uranus exigency for change. We need this like a root-bound plant needs a bigger pot so that it can be healthy and open new blossoms. As we calmly feel out what is needed, we can find a great deal of inner support as well as mutual giving and receiving from those around us. Yet again, we can feel how much we are all in this together. Emotional tension is peaking.
Saturday, September 28
Sometimes it’s best when our minds don’t question the inner process. VENUS in sultry SCORPIO squares MARS in dramatic LEO, a highly spicy and sexy emotional dynamic that has been building since mid-month. For those who are responding well to the flow of change, the morning offers a creative peak through which to act upon their deepest desires. Emotional tension erupts from those who have not been able to find inner calm or sense of support. This is do-or-die day for relationships, in which we can no longer hold back deep feelings that we may not be conscious of. Passionate intensity contains a range of feelings from resentments and jealousies to rich veins of creativity and leadership that play out on the stage of life. Ego-driven motivations are on display as well as true heroism.
Sunday, September 29
With the Moon in Leo, the emotional drama continues as irrational feelings and acts of courage continue to color the day with emotional drama. This is not an easy day. We are more emotionally driven than usual and need to pay attention to what we are saying. It may be better not to say anything until we sort out and can trust our feelings. MERCURY into SCORPIO heightens the intensity and deepens our scrutiny of what is going on, like an investigative reporter or spy. News starts to surface about what is going on behind the scenes. Listen to the undercurrents of what you hear, as well as the words. The emotional tone carries the truth.
Monday, September 30
The Moon in Leo moves into more compatible planetary company today, stimulating excitement and action. Some people will be caught up in full-blown emotional drama, with continual fireworks between lovers. As long as we have sorted out some emotional and relational dynamics, this can be a thrilling day.
Keep your heart happy. It’s the most intelligent organ in your body. Dream the dream that delights you.
ASTRO-SPECIAL for Virgos is on until Equinox on the 22nd. Then Libra, it’s your turn. This is an astrological overview of your year, using the special window of your birthday chart along with usual planetary cycles. Will this be useful to you? One hour, $120, that’s 20% off. Also, this fee applies to a birthday gift for the Sun sign, a Gift of the Stars!