Depth Astrology, AstroMythology & the Cosmic Feminine


Image: Close-up photo by Don Dennis of the Eye of the Tiger (Scaphosepalum Anchoriferim) Orchid, recently made into a flower essence by Living Tree Orchids on the Isle of Gigha in Scotland ( This orchid has healing qualities that resonate with this Solar Eclipse. See below.

NOTE to U.S. residents: Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday, November 3 at 2:00am your time.

November starts with as much intensity as we can handle. A karmic turning point in indicated by powerful planetary patterns. Destiny is at work. Saturn in Scorpio continues the rigorous pace of transformation. Mercury is retrograde nearby in secretive Scorpio until the 10th.

This first weekend evokes a rare alchemical potential for releasing old patterns and moving forward from deeper, truer impulses. Venus is aligned with the center of the Milky Way galaxy, opening rich cosmic imagination. We can connect to ancient cellular knowing that is ready to surface and transform our lives. Let’s use it. Let’s take a look at this three-day triple whammy day by day.

is a special day for two big reasons. First, this is one of seven days during the global peak transition phase from 2012-2015 when revolutionary URANUS and transformer PLUTO exactly spark off each other. As one of those days, this is a definite turning of the wheel— and right before a Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio!! Obviously, political-economic issues are in chaotic flux. So are many people’s lives. Retrograde Mercury suggests intense behind the scenes intrigues and power struggles. On a personal level, how are you being required to look at things differently? Review your strategy in light of new information. Let the process unfold until the retrograde is over on the 10th.

MERCURY is the second reason this is a really special day. This is the one day during the tricky Mercury retrograde period when Mercury is in the “heart” of the Sun, exactly aligned with our star. The usual retrograde effect is rendered null. Deep perceptions allow us to see through the surface intrigues. You KNOW, you don’t have to guess. Follow through on what feels deeply and truly right for you. Mercury is the alchemical agent that sits on top of the vial while all the ingredients are cooking over a slow burner, transforming lead into gold, dross into light. We’re all in the mix. This is happening on an internal and external level. Mercury doesn’t let anything escape this intense process. In Scorpio, any process is even more intense! This is a power day.

With a Void of Course Moon starting at 7:47am, the morning is yours to enjoy and wind down along with the waning sliver Moon. The Void of Course Moon is the time in the Moon’s passage through a sign after it makes its last exact interaction with a planet and before it goes into the next sign. The quality of that last interaction indicates the outcome of activity during the Moon’s whole passage through the sign placement soon coming to a close and colors the mood of the Void of Course period. This time the Moon ends up in a conversation with Venus, thank the Goddess, who has been in Sagittarius, in alignment with the Heart of the Milky Way Galaxy, our galactic center. Some strong messages are coming through indeed. We have this morning to let these ripple through our imagination, a great time for creative explorations.

The duration of a Void Moon can be shorter or longer, depending on current planetary patterns. Things don’t easily gel during this time, which is best used to consolidate, contemplate, rest and regroup. With clear intention, one can harness the energies. Take advantage of these open spaces. There are plenty of extended Void of Course Moons this month, enhanced by Mercury retrograde for the first week and a half.

When the Moon enters Scorpio at 12:30pm, it stirs up a deeper level of the internal alchemical process. We feel it! The necessity to let go becomes insistent. What do you need to let go of? Shed any stress that you feel by working with your body. Any resistance creates tension and needed information about the process of renewal. The news is full of this process on the larger stage. But let’s take it home and do our due diligence. It’s time to prune the garden literally and psychologically. The stakes amp up, as we head toward into the total eclipse.

Depth Psychologist Marion Woodman said, “I can tell you that it takes great strength to surrender. You have to know that you are not going to collapse. Instead, you are going to open to a power that you don’t even know, and it is going to come to meet you. In the process of healing, this is one of the huge things that I have discovered.”

7:50am EST, 4:50pm PST, 12:50pm GMT
I called the partial Full Moon eclipse on October 18 the Milk Chocolate Eclipse. This one is definitely Dark Chocolate, over 60% at least. A total solar eclipse is fairly infrequent and potent. In Scorpio we can expect an extra level of intensity. This Solar Eclipse, sandwiched in between hard line Saturn and retrograde Mercury, and hard on the heels of an exact Uranus-Pluto Square is particularly intense. There’s that Scorpio word again. Some area of our lives is being thoroughly scrutinized, scoured and stirred up by the cosmos, like an old used pot. Ah, but this cleaning process stirs up some old dried spices that have a rejuvenating kick. A profound question is asked: Where does power come from? We have a good while to answer.

The fierce Eye of the Tiger Orchid gives a timely empowerment teaching. Just look at the photo! You can feel its energy. This is an enlarged close-up. The flowers are quite diminutive, actually. This orchid and its essence motivate one to confront hidden issues of the central body chakras, as well as confronting the same challenges externally. Its action then moves into the higher chakra domain, according to Orchid Man Don Dennis. He has found that this strongly energizing and yang essence is likely to be experienced in one of two ways. It will either bring strength and almost fierce focus to the solar plexus and heart chakras, as well as ajana centre; or will be experienced as bringing joy and optimism. In either case it brings strength of heart and a renewal of purpose, the courage and power to hold our own. Think of Gandalph inside the mountain when he faces the Balrog. He strikes his staff on the stone bridge and calls out “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!” Find out more, and read about the Kickstarter campaign to make more of these orchid photos available at

We are called to tap into a deeper level of empowerment, from inside out, as is the Earth, with its heightened earthquake and volcanic activity. A Total Solar Eclipse is shutdown of the Sun’s light (if not the government!) is followed by a reset to a different operating strategy. New information comes with the renewed light, changing the playing field. As with the shift in the relationships between the chakras, as the lower chakras release more energy to the higher ones, as indicated by the Eye of the Tiger. What does this mean to you? Scorpio is a sign concerned with the process of joining forces. We have more power and can be more effective when we join together, putting aside lesser matters or judgments that get in the way of mutual respect. Hidden resources come to light. Pay attention to details that may have escaped your attention. Objectivity is not easy to come by, as we tune in at a non-rational level. Nevertheless, we need to step back for some perspective as we proceed. The Moon goes Void of Course at 10:23pm in positive relationship to Jupiter. Things can work out really well if we take care of business and prepare to move forward in our lives.

More implications of this New Moon unfold under the light of the Full Moon on the 17th. The full impact of a total eclipse can take a year or more to unfold. Check on your progress in six months and mark your calendar for next fall, when there is another solar eclipse on October 23. That will be a triple dark chocolate truffle eclipse with a spiced cherry on the inside.

On the far side of this Solar Eclipse, VENUS soon moves into business-like Capricorn on the 5th, to aid the larger agenda for reorganization. This particular phase of the longer term project will be under serious re-evaluation when Venus goes retrograde next month, spending several months redesigning in Capricorn. Let’s cooperate for our mutual best interests. JUPITER goes retrograde in Cancer on the 6th. We consolidate growth potentials thus far and gather in homes and communities to address our needs in the midst of governmental malfunction and disintegration. We need to take care of ourselves. NEPTUNE turns forward on the 13th. In response to this month’s intense wave of change, anxieties evoke a longing for a kinder, gentler world. Inspiration grounded by the practical action of MARS in Virgo can move us in the right direction—from the inside out.

NOTE: To read more daily entries, look for my COSMIC DAILY WEATHER link on the front page of The Monthly Aspectarian online: In the next Cosmic News, I hope to announce the publication of COSMIC DAILY WEATHER 2014!