FULL MOON, January 15, 11:52pm EST, 8:52pm PST;
January 16, 4:52am GMT
This first Full Moon of 2014 is in CAPRICORN-CANCER, one of my favorites, earth and water, at 26 degrees. Feelings are at high tide on any Full Moon, but with the Moon glorious in its own sign, the currents feel even stronger, up close and personal. Capricorn, occupied by the goddess-power duo of Venus and Pluto, is a sign of self-sufficiency. So many of us are feeling the pressure of change, as we look to redesign our situation for the better. Yet we may not be getting the support we want or would expect. Can you sidestep the grumpy people and let off your own steam in a healthy way? Whistle a happy tune, keep plugging along and see how much you can get done on your own. Help may come from unexpected quarters, when you are living up to your end of the deal.
This heightened emotional energy is enhanced by the spicy crosscurrents between VENUS in CAPRICORN—still in internalizing backward motion*— and MARS in partnership-oriented LIBRA. Emotional tensions are at a peak, leading some to depression, discouragement, even despair, or anger and frustration. This can be hard on relationships. Another choice is to take responsibility for our feelings and attitudes, set our faces resolutely forward to consider what best can be done to improve our situations, personal and socially. This is a joint work, done by those who pool resources and consider what’s best for everyone and the Earth. Nature has certainly demonstrated how serious she can be. The electro-magnetic influx from a recent X-class solar flare, the largest Earth-directed solar flare we’ve had in a while, amidst other cosmic input, impacts our planetary energy field, our weather systems and our psychosomatic experience. We respond best by looking for an effective, savvy way to do things, drawing from traditional wisdom and conservational techniques for effective models to guide us in our restructuring of some most basic life style issues. Under the practical guidance of Venus we are engineering an emotional and economic restructuring of our lives this month.
* Thanks to Jim Buss for correcting my list of previous Venus retrograde dates related to this current cycle. “You meant “2005-6, 1997-98, 1989-90.” Indeed I did.
Go back every eight years to review your experience and how it relates to this current Venus cycle that lasts through January.
The dwarf planet CERES is the Earth Mother who grows the grain and feeds the people, body and soul. This facet of the divine feminine is one to pay increasing attention to in these times. This is the MOST ACTIVATED factor of this Full Moon, creating more crosscurrents. Ceres brings issues of good food, the common good and the well-being of the environment directly to our attention. Let’s talk about it and take action on any of these fronts. Let’s give help as we can and where it’s needed. Share some good news and good foods.
MARS wants to cooperate. Cooperation is a two-way street. Some people hog the road and won’t give way. If the situation isn’t working for you, if you and the other person don’t see things the same way, what are the options? What are you going to do? These are questions to consider deeply and meaningfully. We are called to use our emotional intelligence to make mature choices, determining the most important criteria to take into consideration. Mars is the kingpin planet that fills in the 4th corner of a Grand Cross, bringing the overarching URANUS-PLUTO SQUARE to a crescendo this year.
Revolutionary Uranus blazes new trails in Aries.
Transformational Pluto in Capricorn necessitates a ecologically-informed restructuring of the way we live on Earth.
Expansive Jupiter ups the stakes within community, home and family.
Active Mars takes the initiative to bring people together for cooperative ventures.
Yes, big planet JUPITER in CANCER is in on the action, pointing a powerful finger squarely on key issues and blowing them up bigger than ever so we can’t miss them. Jupiter is a key factor that pushes this year into higher gear. Some of our belief systems are severely challenged. It can be a stretch to think positively, but that’s the way to go, the new frontier, as in Star Trek: to go where no one has gone before. Obviously we need to refresh our game plan and engage open-minded inquiry in the midst of such a paradigm shift. This is the third millennium equivalent of the Renaissance, of sailing across the ocean to settle in the “new world,” or of pioneering in wagon trains heading west.
Jupiter is aligned with the brightest star, Sirius, the star of Isis, the great goddess. For the U.S., she is represented by the Statue of Liberty. If we could consult her, what would she advise? Jupiter is hanging bright with the Full Moon and Black Moon Lilith conjoined. The Moon and Black Moon together in Cancer create a dilemma between personal and impersonal experience, personal ego needs and the true desires of the soul. We are stretched beyond our comfort level, to come into a deeper “home” inside ourselves. Somehow the irrational may feel easier as uncommon sense, intuitive guidance from an internal, rarified wisdom keeper, moves our steps.
I talked about this “crazy wisdom” in the New Moon Cosmic News. It’s still with us, offering richness on many levels and lots of belly laughs along the way. Take a sip of the elixir offered by the Goddess above and see what happens.
I so appreciate the feedback I receive for Cosmic News on many levels. I’m always glad to hear from you. COSMIC NEWS is supported by readers. This is the time of year I ask for contributions, which pays for the newsletter service. I am grateful to those who help out. See top special offer section for ways to send your support, and to take advantage of a way I can thank you. Together we create a flow of abundance on so many levels!
FULL MOON, January 15, 11:52pm EST, 8:52pm PST;
January 16, 4:52am GMT
This first Full Moon of 2014 is in CAPRICORN-CANCER, one of my favorites, earth and water, at 26 degrees. Feelings are at high tide on any Full Moon, but with the Moon glorious in its own sign, the currents feel even stronger, up close and personal. Capricorn, occupied by the goddess-power duo of Venus and Pluto, is a sign of self-sufficiency. So many of us are feeling the pressure of change, as we look to redesign our situation for the better. Yet we may not be getting the support we want or would expect. Can you sidestep the grumpy people and let off your own steam in a healthy way? Whistle a happy tune, keep plugging along and see how much you can get done on your own. Help may come from unexpected quarters, when you are living up to your end of the deal.
This heightened emotional energy is enhanced by the spicy crosscurrents between VENUS in CAPRICORN—still in internalizing backward motion*— and MARS in partnership-oriented LIBRA. Emotional tensions are at a peak, leading some to depression, discouragement, even despair, or anger and frustration. This can be hard on relationships. Another choice is to take responsibility for our feelings and attitudes, set our faces resolutely forward to consider what best can be done to improve our situations, personal and socially. This is a joint work, done by those who pool resources and consider what’s best for everyone and the Earth. Nature has certainly demonstrated how serious she can be. The electro-magnetic influx from a recent X-class solar flare, the largest Earth-directed solar flare we’ve had in a while, amidst other cosmic input, impacts our planetary energy field, our weather systems and our psychosomatic experience. We respond best by looking for an effective, savvy way to do things, drawing from traditional wisdom and conservational techniques for effective models to guide us in our restructuring of some most basic life style issues. Under the practical guidance of Venus we are engineering an emotional and economic restructuring of our lives this month.
* Thanks to Jim Buss for correcting my list of previous Venus retrograde dates related to this current cycle. “You meant “2005-6, 1997-98, 1989-90.” Indeed I did.
Go back every eight years to review your experience and how it relates to this current Venus cycle that lasts through January.
The dwarf planet CERES is the Earth Mother who grows the grain and feeds the people, body and soul. This facet of the divine feminine is one to pay increasing attention to in these times. This is the MOST ACTIVATED factor of this Full Moon, creating more crosscurrents. Ceres brings issues of good food, the common good and the well-being of the environment directly to our attention. Let’s talk about it and take action on any of these fronts. Let’s give help as we can and where it’s needed. Share some good news and good foods.
MARS wants to cooperate. Cooperation is a two-way street. Some people hog the road and won’t give way. If the situation isn’t working for you, if you and the other person don’t see things the same way, what are the options? What are you going to do? These are questions to consider deeply and meaningfully. We are called to use our emotional intelligence to make mature choices, determining the most important criteria to take into consideration. Mars is the kingpin planet that fills in the 4th corner of a Grand Cross, bringing the overarching URANUS-PLUTO SQUARE to a crescendo this year.
Revolutionary Uranus blazes new trails in Aries.
Transformational Pluto in Capricorn necessitates a ecologically-informed restructuring of the way we live on Earth.
Expansive Jupiter ups the stakes within community, home and family.
Active Mars takes the initiative to bring people together for cooperative ventures.
Yes, big planet JUPITER in CANCER is in on the action, pointing a powerful finger squarely on key issues and blowing them up bigger than ever so we can’t miss them. Jupiter is a key factor that pushes this year into higher gear. Some of our belief systems are severely challenged. It can be a stretch to think positively, but that’s the way to go, the new frontier, as in Star Trek: to go where no one has gone before. Obviously we need to refresh our game plan and engage open-minded inquiry in the midst of such a paradigm shift. This is the third millennium equivalent of the Renaissance, of sailing across the ocean to settle in the “new world,” or of pioneering in wagon trains heading west.
Jupiter is aligned with the brightest star, Sirius, the star of Isis, the great goddess. For the U.S., she is represented by the Statue of Liberty. If we could consult her, what would she advise? Jupiter is hanging bright with the Full Moon and Black Moon Lilith conjoined. The Moon and Black Moon together in Cancer create a dilemma between personal and impersonal experience, personal ego needs and the true desires of the soul. We are stretched beyond our comfort level, to come into a deeper “home” inside ourselves. Somehow the irrational may feel easier as uncommon sense, intuitive guidance from an internal, rarified wisdom keeper, moves our steps.
I talked about this “crazy wisdom” in the New Moon Cosmic News. It’s still with us, offering richness on many levels and lots of belly laughs along the way. Take a sip of the elixir offered by the Goddess above and see what happens.
I so appreciate the feedback I receive for Cosmic News on many levels. I’m always glad to hear from you. COSMIC NEWS is supported by readers. This is the time of year I ask for contributions, which pays for the newsletter service. I am grateful to those who help out. See top special offer section for ways to send your support, and to take advantage of a way I can thank you. Together we create a flow of abundance on so many levels!
ASTRO-SPECIAL is on for Capricorns until the 20th, then it’s time for Aquarians. This is an astrological overview of your year, using the special window of your birthday chart along with usual planetary cycles. One hour, $120, that’s 20% off. This special fee also applies to a birthday gift for the Sun sign, a Gift of the Stars!