Depth Astrology, AstroMythology & the Cosmic Feminine

Our first Full Moon of 2023 lingers in the grip of Mercury retrograde, just coming to its half-way point and its key conjunction with the Sun. That Sun/ Mercury and the Moon all square Chiron, adding a strong unconventional note that belies typical Capricorn standards. Something must be done! But what kind of out-of-the-box approach will serve the need, heal any rifts, soothe any outrage of those resistant to change or new ways of thinking? Shall we call on Capricorn’s quirky side? As well as its Ancient Earth wisdom and practical ‘magic’.

POLAREYED: Magical Realism Reveals Radiant Rainbow De-Light, collage by Sarah Gallant. I am glad to be sharing Sarah’s visionary soul collages once again. See more of her magical work here.


Full Moon @16 Cancer/Capricorn 21
January 6, 2023 @ 6:08pm EST, 3:08pm PST, 11:08pm GMT
January 7, 10:08am AEDT

NOTE: Moons & Mythos #5, with Quantum Plant Healer, Davyd Farrell, is available! There is so much to say about this New/Full Moon cycle, with a compelling pattern of Kuiper Belt Objects adding profound nuances, particularly on this Full Moon.  Moons & Mythos is an excellent adjunct to Cosmic Inspiration News. Our discussion includes much more than I can write out, especially about the dynamic KBO influence.

With a Pluto-infused, retrograde Mercury in Capricorn announcing 2023, we may not yet feel this new year is as new as we would like. Mercury/ Pluto lets us know, one way or another, that the first job at hand is to tame any negativity entertained by our wayward mentality. Especially with the continuing retrograde of Mars in Gemini, we still may be prone to distraction, like a kind of informational battering ram. Mars retrograde is still sorting through possibilities to identify the best fitting pieces for your new year puzzle picture.

This Mercury retrograde suggests a strategy to deal with such an ‘assault’ on and by our mental apparatus: to pull back from outside influences—what other people say, social media, etc.— and think deeply for ourselves, from the inside out from whence cometh Pluto.  We can take this Mercury retrograde time to think back over 2022 and check off our successes, while re-thinking where we may have gotten off track and regroup for this new year. Negative thinking is not useful. Capricorn is a pragmatic sign.

Cancer is not, not in an earthy sense, but it does how to take care and save for a rainy day. This ‘crabby’ sign also knows when to go ‘turtle’ and pull back into its shell to protect its vulnerability, to take time to reflect, to contemplate, to consider— all good strategies for this Mercury retrograde “re-think”.  What is your personal situation on the threshold of 2023? What do you need? What is needed on the larger scale?

We each have our own personal version of the profound transmutation going on in the collective consciousness. Let’s pause to take the pulse of how we are feeling, let go of attachments and old ways of thinking, to arise and respond to new options that are opening up and beckoning. Have you have retreated almost too deeply into yourself, bombarded by the ‘fear-porn’ stalking out and about the outer world, so that you are not even receptive to new ideas or perspectives? Then change that from the inside out, with care and nurturing. We all need support, as Cancer well knows. What kind of support do you need and what do you have to offer others? Simple kindness and loving gestures save the day.

Venus is a good ally, inviting us into our hearts, the source of our greatest intelligence. The heart is a mysterious, many-layered, many-splendored center point of light and love, wrapped around itself like a gift, creating vortices of life force from the divine. Invite its love magic in to your reality.

[I was recently pointed to this talk by Dr. Thomas Cowen about the Heart, summarizing insights beyond the mechanistic view of modern science, well worth a listen if you want to know more about your heart.]

Make your preparations now to gear up for a fast, wild, world-changing New Year. At long last, after being retrograde since the end of October, Mars turns forward on the 12th. Take a deep breath, tune into your heartbeat, rev your motor. Get ready to move further up the ramp onto the 2023 “high” way and act accordingly.

Like a series of green lights, Mars turns forward on January 12, Mercury on the 18th, then, finally, Uranus on the 22nd will pick up the pace to lightning speed. All planets will be in forward motion. Nothing stops us except our own fears, doubts, worries; hopefully we have dealt with most of these, and have until February 6-10th to dispel any such shadows. That is when Mercury moves beyond where it turned retrograde (24 Capricorn), reconnects with Pluto and picks up the thread of necessity that requires letting go of the past and inventing a new future. This can be a scary prospect, but when we know the bridge has burned behind us, there is no other way to go. It’s a real New Year.

Perhaps it will be incredibly freeing— even thrilling!
Let’s make it so!


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Schedule with
Birthday Sun Sign reading— Celebrate yourself! with this useful celestial gift for an overview of your personal year. Crafty Capricorns, it’s your time until January 21st, as you carve out your new year. We use the window of your birthday chart along with current planetary cycles to look into timing, themes and guidance for your personal new year. One hour, $145.
Give a Gift of the Stars! This special fee also applies to a birthday gift for someone special in your life. I have birthday e-cards you can use.

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Kelley’s Upcoming Schedule

 NCGR Boston, virtual presentation, see more here
Saturday, January 21, 2023, 2-4pm ET
The Cosmic Feminine:  Moon, Venus and Black Moon Lilith in Relationship

Astrological Society of Connecticut,
May 18, 2023, Lecture: The Cosmic Feminine: Three Aspects of Personal Brilliance
May 20, 2023, Workshop: Dancing with the Creator Gods
In person, with an online option. More details to follow.

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