Image: Priestess Miriam’s Temple, by Lenore Siner, oil paint and resin on wood panel . The window reflections are a photographic effect. At the recent artistically-inspiring OCCULT conference in Salem, MA, I was drawn to this image and met the artist. We found that we had both visited Voudoun Priestess Miriam’s temple in New Orleans. It was quite an experience, well expressed by this painting, also appropriate for this Black Moon-influenced transformational eclipse and the imminent Mercury retrograde cycle in Scorpio. See more of Lenore’s work at:
OCTOBER 18, 7:38pm EDT, 4:38pm PDT
OCTOBER 19, 12:38pm GMD
This is not a total eclipse, though we will see most of the Moon in shadow. The U.S. will see the eclipsed Moon rise. There is a deep undercurrent that urges clarification in relationships of all types. Is there balance in giving and receiving? Or is one person doing all the giving? Is there a level of dependency that is inhibiting growth of one or both persons, of the family? An examination of old patterns can help us move past them and be happier. We all need to grow and mature. This Full Moon helps us break free, like a root-bound plant in a pot that is too small. Themes of letting go and forgiveness have been on the front burner for some months. This is a high point, like a hot cleansing and relaxing shower.
adds her own brand of depth to this eclipse.
Black Moon Lilith, a mathematic vortex intimate to our Earth/Moon system, helps “bring down the Moon,” into our daily lives. A deep desire of the soul for illumination draws experiences that urge us beyond personal judgments and ego stances. If we don’t listen, Lilith faces us with our shadow. In the sign of Cancer, in the guise of the Great Mother, she has a cornucopia of possibilities to offer during this eclipse. With a Mona Lisa smile, she asks, “What do you truly need?” and expects an answer from deep within your soul, not a surface answer. In Cancer she is like a mother bird who gently pushes her babies from the nest when she knows they are ready to fly. Are you ready to fly?
Mercury, in Scorpio all month, turns retrograde on the 21st, beginning an extended examination of the way we are thinking about things. Our perspective is altered and, as I like to “alter” it: our perspective is “altared,” made more holy. Since Mercury retrograde revisits its vibrational synchrony with healing Chiron and spiritualizing Neptune both in Pisces, this is quite an appropriate perception! It also revisits Saturn, keeping us on track. Mercury, as the alchemical catalyst, is conducting a powerful transformative process. In alchemical literature Mercury is like a cork that seals the vial, while its contents are being cooked over a flame. When the process is complete, the cork pops off. Oh, yeah, something’s cooking!
Mercury is stirring up a particular section of your chart that has already been in process of transformation. This retrograde cycle helps resolve lingering issues. I am adding a Mercury retrograde to the usual Sun sign Astro-Special for those who want to examine this in their own charts. See below.
It was at the very beginning of this month that Mercury went into “shadow.” During its retrograde cycle, Mercury loops around a section the Zodiac from 2-18 degrees of Scorpio. When Mercury, in forward motion, first entered 2 degrees on October 1, it entered the territory of that loop, called the “shadow”—a particularly resonant term for a Scorpio experience. At that point it announces issues relevant to the whole cycle, as Mercury comes back to 2 degrees on November 10, then turning direct again. I felt the shadow of this Mercury retrograde more strongly than I have ever felt one. How about you? What has been going on with you since we turned the calendar to October? The whole loop completes on November 27 when Mercury returns and passes the 18th degree of Scorpio.
This whole month of October has been a collective karmic turning point, a kind of deadline, requiring a serious examination of where our shadow side is taking over. We have clearly seen this on the national stage, and the news continues to face us with stark situations that call for public response. Deep influences are at work to weed out negativity, inside and out, and expand our capacity to welcome positive opportunities. Some situations are clearly at a turning point in all our lives, with long-term implications. The eclipse supports this, closing a door and opening a new one. Use this moment to make your life better. Trust yourself to draw a line and maintain your integrity. Clear out the old stuff and make way for the new and improved. The upcoming Solar Eclipse on November 3 is an even more intense reset button. I call this the Milk Chocolate Eclipse because it is a partial eclipse and influenced by the Black Moon in Cancer, the sign of milk. The November 3 eclipse is dark chocolate, for sure.
In a quantum, cosmically spacious way, we have all the time we need to metaphorically and literally “smell the roses,” uplift our spirits and revitalize our lives.
Please forgive this shorter-than-usual Cosmic News. I have a pressing book deadline that has been taking my full attention, except for a recent two-week teaching tour (had a blast! Thanks for everyone on this list who was part of it). I expect to soon be making an official announcement about this book, tentatively titled, Cosmic Daily Weather for 2014.
MERCURY RETROGRADE SPECIAL—What is this cycle stirring up and alchemically transforming in your life? Let’s examine this significant process in your chart. One hour, $120.
ASTRO-SPECIAL is on for Libras until the 23rd, then for Scorpios. This is an astrological overview of your year, using the special window of your birthday chart along with usual planetary cycles. One hour, $120, that’s 20% off. This special fee also applies to a birthday gift for the Sun sign, a Gift of the Stars!