Friday, October 4 at 11+ LIBRA, 8:36pm EDT, 5:36pm PDT,
Saturday, October 5, 1:36am GDT
This New Moon is smack-dab in the thick of the Pluto-Uranus Square, the major planetary pattern of our times. In fact, planets stand at all four corners of the sky, making a crossroads. Such a dynamic alignment ups the stakes in creative initiatives, particularly suggesting new liaisons or mergers. Expect the unexpected as surprising affiliations bring unprecedented offerings to the negotiating table, though much of this activity may be behind the scenes as yet. Significant developments are coming to a head. Power struggles bring forth new leadership.
Personally, we pick up a new scent in our lives, as it becomes increasingly clear that unforeseen choices are on hand. It is time to take risks. Take some time to plan out your strategy. Maintain dialogue with partners, realizing that you don’t have much leeway to compromise beyond a certain point. You do what you must do. New ideas and points of view can clear the way forward. We need to reign in a tendency to over-react emotionally and lose our ability to act rationally. There are opportunities if we look for them and are willing to take some risks. Those who enjoy gambling can thrive if they don’t overplay their hands, but it’s not all about playing the odds. It’s also about watching and keeping an ear to the ground. Are you hanging in there?
I like what Australian Astrologer Maggie Kerr writes (
“This new Libran Moon positively reeks of excitement and change, and I for one am going to use it this way and not buy into the ‘global elite’ doom and gloom machine that keeps us in the trawl of negative shite that controls and immobilizes us. Are you ready for a brand new phase in personal and global affairs, kids? Well with change agent Uranus + transformer Pluto + expansionary Jupiter front and center in this New Moon line-up, we’re due to make some decisions about who and what we need in our lives from here!… ‘Out with people you no longer need & in with dynamic new partnerships that propel you forward’!”
We are looking for new ways of relating. VENUS and MARS continue their spicy tango another week, with high drama and deep undercurrents. Clearly this is apparent in the U.S. government chaos, with rebellion fomenting amidst economic craziness. When we find the heart of creativity deep inside the chaos, a new impulse unfurls. That’s chaos theory, an exciting art form of our times!
SATURN is very close to the NORTH NODE and MERCURY. This is a karmic time of reckoning; we could say it’s a “the buck stops here” kind of time. What does this mean to you in your life? Has some life- changing situation become quite apparent? Perhaps this change has been in progress and just now becoming obvious. Sometimes we make changes or decisions without knowing how important they really are until later.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon evokes the sense of this deep emergence from the depths of Scorpio, even though the degree is 12 LIBRA:
MINERS ARE EMERGING FROM A DEEP WELL INTO THE SUNLIGHT, interpreted by pioneering astrology Dane Rudhyar as “Depth of participation in the world’s work. Whole-souled giving of self to service; or inability to bring self to effort.” This gives food for thought.
This New Moon offers new choices and indicates turning points with decisions to be made. The WATER TRIANGLE of planets is still flowing strong. A deep bonding among us is unfolding in glorious waves. Listen to your feelings, your heart as well as your head. Weigh your options carefully, keeping a lookout for exciting windows of opportunity.
ASTRO-SPECIAL is on for Librans until 23rd. This is an astrological overview of your year, using the special window of your birthday chart along with usual planetary cycles. One hour, $120, that’s 20% off. Also, this fee applies to a birthday gift for the Sun sign, a Gift of the Stars!