Home Sweet Home
NEW MOON at 6 CANCER, June 27,
4:08am EDT, 1:08am PDT, 9:08am GMD
Image: Eve of Hurricane Georges, collage by author, 1998.
During this Cancer New Moon, we seek shelter and safety during what may feel like a rather stormy, yet exhilarating July. For the next week or so, fireworks ignite in the global transformation process as the Sun moves into the potent Pluto-Uranus Square. We hunker more deeply into our core for this intense, opportune offer of dynamic consciousness awakening. Already this year has been the peak of a rare planetary pattern that brings us to the next level of The Sixties. At moments during this process, like now, we may feel a very sweet, compassionate sensation, as if a divine mother is soothing and guiding us. We are helping each other in many ways as we make our way through these rough waters to safe harbor.
The Sabian Symbols are images that amplify the meaning of each degree of the Zodiac. This New Moon is at 6 degrees of Cancer with this essentially Cancer image:
Attention to home and hearth, inviting growth and well-being, preparing the ground for the inevitable change of the seasons.
Astrologer Lynda Hill, in her book, The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle, pictures “the desire for security amidst a rather risky situation…in readiness for new beginnings and new life.” She further writes, “Any security might only be temporary. Be careful not to become complacent, and ensure that you aren’t frightened at any sudden surprises or moves.”
These times we live in are relentless, urgent for growth. As the Sun in Cancer moves further into the Uranus-Pluto Square, we may have to relinquish cherished situations, relationships or experiences that we are growing beyond. It is time to stretch out beyond the crab shell that is pinching, tightening, like the womb when it becomes too small to contain the new life ready to be born. As we open to and welcome the new, have faith that it is for the best, we are feather our nests with a level of emotional comfort and stability that we need. We find safety and security blossoming from the inside out.
One of Cancer’s profound lessons is to realize that change is one constant we can count on; there is no holding on to the past. Change = growth in some form, even as we expand beyond limitations of that old shell. A little feng shui is in order to attune our inner space to the emerging energetic fields. The landscape in and around us is changing. Do you feel it? Of course. As we find the note, the tonality that pleases, that feels most resonant, we find our pathway to go with the flow. We rearrange our lives. Be radical. Trust yourself. Remembering, as Edith Wharton wrote, “Life has a way of overgrowing its achievements as well as its ruins.” Too much of a good thing is not good anymore. It is time to let go and move on to greener pastures.
Wisdom planet JUPITER is finishing its enriching year in Cancer. At this New Moon, Jupiter is at a pivotal point, stretching us to fulfill our destiny. It feels like a warm, big hug, giving us a hearty send-off—”Go forth and prosper!” Big Planet Jupiter prepares to move into the creative fires of Leo in mid-July. Let’s see what else Jupiter suggests from its Sabian Symbol of 26 Cancer:
Home again, we turn to the wisdom of the ages, learning new things and, perhaps, stretching our hearts and minds beyond old belief systems that no longer ring true. We consult with the ancestors. We feel resonance with something greater than ourselves. We share what we know. We offer what we have to give. We find support and comfort in the perennial wisdom of the ages, as we take each step, remaining fully in the present as we move into today’s future. Indeed, with this New Moon cycle, we are moving into a key turning point of 2014, with Jupiter opening expansive opportunities to become more of who we truly are.
RETROGRADE MERCURY reverses its direction in a few days, turning with the calendar month. We had PLENTY (a Jupiter word) of introspective, retrograde reflection and reconsideration all year. Now is the time to move on. The caravans are pulling into formation. The wagon trains are heading west. What is our modern equivalent of the pioneering trails? That’s where we are all going, listening to our “compass rose,” our heart’s directive.
Along with the forward movement of Mercury, the end of June features two other planetary patterns with very different flavors.
MARS directly opposite Uranus on this New Moon can play out in a challenging, potentially nasty power punch leading to sudden breakthroughs, split ups, and outbreaks of revolution or violence. We already see such activity in several global hot spots. We can’t assume we are being told the truth about what is going on amidst hidden negotiations behind the scenes.
No matter. Let’s attend to our clarifying our own energy and how we plan to proceed. I like what Aussie Astrologer Maggie Kerr wrote:
“With change agent Uranus opposite activator Mars in the New Moon planetary mix there can be apparently ‘unexpected’ moves…which are not really so unexpected…you’ve just been putting them off. Remember not to project any confusion or anger at others, as the whole point of this past year has been to become aware of old limiting feelings, clear & release them, dismantle our defenses, and give ourselves permission to trust our feelings in a whole new way.”
A basic life choice is to fear or to love. The results of these extremes are evidently playing out. All year we have been weighing our options in view of fresh possibilities. Something must be done and we can’t do it the old way. We each count. We each make our choices. Bridges are burning behind us, as we reach toward a cosmic beckoning hand. A lovely and loving flow of sensitive, caring energy saturates our feelings, highlighted by some special moments where everything synchronizes beautifully like an uplifting symphony, a prayer, a divine decree.
How do we juggle these two streams in our experience? It likely requires a paradigm shift. It can happen inside any moment. With this New Moon, a strong, incoming creative rush of delight in alternative possibilities gives us the heart and courage to go for the gold.
Baci e abracci— kisses and hugs!
Namaste—I salute the god/goddess in you.
Aloha — The shared spirit within us is in harmony with all that is.
Vaya con Dios — Go with God.
Shanti, Shalom, Dona Nobis Pacem — Peace, peace, grant us peace.
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For Cancer Moon children of all ages, until July 22th, then for sunny Leos. Is it time for an astrological overview of your year, using the special window of your birthday chart along with current planetary cycles? One hour, $120, that’s 20% off. This special fee also applies to a birthday gift. Give a Gift of the Stars! I have special cards and e-cards you can use.
JUPITER RETURN ASTRO-SPECIAL for those who have Jupiter into Leo. If you are having a birthday this year (or next) that is a multiple of 12, you likely quality. As you enter a new 12 year cycle, your creative heart stirs! This is especially for those having a simultaneous Saturn return AND Jupiter return, 1955-56 natives. One hour, $125.