Depth Astrology, AstroMythology & the Cosmic Feminine

FULL MOON at 3 Capricorn-CANCER 20
Friday, December 25
6:12am EST, 3:12am PST, 11:12am GMT

EarthMotherDoveweb - Version 3Image: Dove of Peace, monotype by author. My encounter with a white dove was a highlight of my year, 2015. What were your highlights?

This is the true New Year, as the Sun turns the season and opens the cosmic door into 2016. Let’s pay special attention to this one, to make a conscious, intentional step across this annual threshold. Let’s make it a fresh, vital experience.

A Full Moon on Christmas day highlights the hosanna of angels and the birth of the coming year. Uranus signals its approval of holiday celebration and new dimensions by turning direct, further stimulating our consciousness awakening. Be alert to join the refreshing revolutionary initiatives of Uranus. Welcome insights from the higher mind—all that sparkling light that is coming in! There is heightened electricity in the air. Are you ready to wake up even more from the dream of illusion? From the ground up, the Earth responds literally within the great electromagnetic feedback loop from outer space.

The magic of numerology is at play. We’ve been on a rather unusual run of New Moons at 19+ and Full Moons at 3+ degrees in sign after sign since October and on into the New Year through February. If you play the lottery, those numbers may be useful. Those of you more into the meaning of numbers than I am, I’ll be happy to pass along your insights.

For five or so days, we are in the Solstice turning, one of the major pivotal points of the year. The Sun reaches it extreme in the south now, sitting still, as the Earth begins to tilt the other way toward our home star. Whether you are in the northern deep dark or the southern high light, it is a time of multiple holydays. My most recent Cosmic Inspiration Radio show addresses this time of year, with some suggestions about looking back on the old year before turning to look through the window of the new one—like Janus, the two-headed god that gave his name to January.

I’ve been looking back to last year at this time, realizing what a different state of being I was in! I’m also taking stock month-by-month to see how the year progressed, with quite a bit of help from my day calendar to remember what was going on. The list of highlights further developed from there, but the biggies quite pop out. I came to feel this image to describe where I was and where I am now:

I was a curled fern, slightly burned and damaged. I came alive with scented oils and gentle cleansing, beautifying, joining the arising of the goddess to recreate our lives. The great mother gives me a full bouquet of white lilies with ferns unfurled now surrounding the lilies with their protective filagreed greenery, a white dove alights, bountiful gifts to give and receive…

How about you? What was your process from New Year Solstice 2014 to New Year Solstice 2015? What events and happenings, what realizations and experiences stand out? What has emerged from your inner world? Answer those questions and then you can better answer these next ones: How are you setting your sights, firstly your heart, toward New Year Solstice 2016? The years just tick on, don’t they?

Astrologically in 2015, we passed the last peak of the Pluto-Uranus square and are seeing its further implications emerge and ripple around the world. We’ll surely see more of the chaos of the dissolution along with more of the brighter, hopeful, creative demonstrations of the best of what is coming. This past year, Saturn shifted back and forth between Scorpio and Sagittarius, the cusp of the Zen Archer. After a Venus retrograde of June-September, with its heart-felt experience of values clarification calling for a fuller dimension of our emotional intelligence, we finally came through into the last season of this year. As Saturn stepped firmly into Sagittarius, were you ready with a sharpened and shining arrow to string on your bow, ready to aim toward an inspiring vision? We may still be a little fuzzy (from Neptune in Pisces) and fussy (from Jupiter in Virgo) around the edges, but let’s just move along feeling our way day by day. The universe has a greater imagination that we do. Let’s use our intuition to open to it.

The magic of numerology is at play. We’ve been on a rather unusual run of New Moons at 19+ and Full Moons at 3+ degrees in sign after sign since October and on into the New Year through February. If you play the lottery, those numbers may be useful. Those of you more into the meaning of numbers than I am, I’ll be happy to pass along your insights.

Meanwhile, let’s celebrate the holidays. A holiday Full Moon is always special. This one has a sweet, cozy feel, but not the sticky sweet and sentimental kind. There is a practical base that doesn’t overflow with consumerism, but cautions care, consideration and conservation of resources. “Tis a gift to be simple,” as the Shakers sing. Consider the company you keep. There is no dire need to display any missionary verve or try to convince anybody of anything, unlike the politicians and advertisers. Don’t fall for the hype. Make your holiday true to the spirit of why we celebrate, from the heart. Uranus immediately turns forward, sending shimmering electric sparkles through the atmospheres, like cosmic confetti. As this “star dust” settles, address any uncomfortable undercurrents in a spirit of reconciliation.

Inevitably, some people are just going to be disagreeable and unreasonable—and even sad. State your case as you see fit. Give help where you can. Engage the deep sweet loving energy, like the mythic Soma, the elixir of life that is the sweetest, empowerment drink you ever tasted. Drink deeply and savor, holding the White Dove of Peace in your heart.





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