Image: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) shows the eruption of the recent, intense, X-class solar flare on February 24 in several wavelengths of light. Thanks to Mitch Battros of Earth Changes Media for sending this on his newsletter. WHAT WAVELENGTH ARE YOU ON?
NEW MOON at 11 PISCES, March 1,
3:00am EST, 12:00am PST, 8:00am GMT,
There’s that old saying—in the northern hemisphere—that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. We may have to wait until the end of April for the lamb. This is the first of two New Moons this month. March comes in with this New Moon in Pisces and goes out with another New Moon in Aries—the Ram, not the lamb. Planets are turning backward and forward. Mercury just turned forward the last day of February, so at least we are thinking mostly straight. Although we shouldn’t take that for granted, as we continue need to tap into our heart’s emotional intelligence for finest tuning.
This Pisces New Moon is influenced by unusual and ineffable factors, as indicated by the presence of Chiron, an odd little body in the solar system, best known as the Wounded Healer—or Shaman. Issues come up which are not solvable with standard solutions. Yes, we need to engage our hearts and intuition beyond the box, to imagine alternative perspectives and methodologies. The theme of Chiron is that of holistic alignment of body, mind (mental-emotional) and spirit. If one of these levels is left out of consideration, things won’t click. It will feel as if something is missing, creating anxiety. Yet when there is alignment, synchronicities, serendipities and all kinds of quantum magic happen.
Like just now. As I am writing this, my iTunes is on shuffle mode and just started playing the Neptune selection from “The Planets” symphony by Hans Holst. Chiron and Neptune have been together in Pisces for two years now, I am reminded to tell you, shape-shifting reality and altering consciousness. This New Moon is sandwiched between Neptune and Chiron. Lest we forget about the quantm shift, Mercury is going back into Pisces, becoming the Neptune/Chiron planet sandwich for the second half of March, with all sorts of Equinox fireworks. Stay tuned for Cosmic News for the March 16th Full Moon.
Chiron evokes what needs healing, sometimes in a literally symptomatic experience. Our emotional bodies are in deep distress about the state of the world. Many turn to substances or various entertainments to numb and dumb-down such acute awareness. Drug and alcohol abuse is increasing. Can we not manage a finer level of perception? How can we find solace amid the intensity of chaos? How do we invite the Grace and what the Bible calls “The Comforter” to soothe our troubled souls? Are we interested and courageous enough to seek answers to such eternal questions? It’s Vision Quest Month.
As March beings, there are all sorts of planetary comings and goings. Even as Mercury turns forward, both MARS and SATURN turn retrograde, on March 1 and 2, calling a temporary halt to forward movement. Whoa, hold the horses!
SATURN, the reality check planet, is a rigorous taskmaster that sets the pace for circumstances to unfold. We have been under its rather icy grip in fixed water sign Scorpio for the last few weeks, as it has been slowing down. Some issues are at stalemate for further investigation. We’ve gotten as far as we can right now, with some new perspectives from Mercury retrograde, as we take stock of our situation, consolidate our gains and cut our losses. This is a process that takes some time. Saturn turns direct in late July.
MARS, the Action Planet, tends toward frustration in backward motion, like reining in galloping horses because of a false start at the beginning of a race. What are we doing? What do we want? Where are we going? Mars retrogrades for a lengthy number of weeks, well into May. During this time, action is not straight forward. It takes longer to decide what to do. In Libra, this pull back hampers relationships and agreements. It is hard to make decisions without wondering if we’ve made the right one. More often than usual, we encounter argumentative attitudes that make it difficult to reach agreements. People get feisty, frustrated and change their minds. Decisions and actions are tentative, with only one foot across the threshold. Certainly our actions won’t be effective if we make them half-heartedly. We can feel “of two minds” about issues.
To make things more interesting for the first few days of March, MARS and VENUS are in a edgy push-and-pull, giving rise to emotional tension and potential relationship friction. We are at odds with ourselves, questioning what will be most effective, realizing that plans need to change yet again, or be put on hold. As always, this is a potentially creative combination, useful for asking ourselves and each other meaningful emotional questions. There is a conflict between wanting to be in control and needing to cooperate with others. We may want to get on with the job, yet need to talk out the ground rules again and again. Perhaps someone else is taking charge and making you angry that you are not being consulted in matters that affect you. Keep checking up with people close to you to keep everyone in the loop. Maintain your balance or you may find yourself falling— maybe even in love. Destiny is at work, bringing people together under unusual circumstances.
Maybe it’s not time to make decisions. It’s hard to know for sure what to do in times of such unprecedented change in motion. We’re not sure what other people are doing either. We are all having trouble figuring things out. Libra tends to accommodate other people, but that doesn’t serve either, as we won’t be happy satisfied with half-hearted compromises. Libra can often “lean out” into another person’s energy. What if we “lean in,” feeling into our own center, while finding a truer stance in relationship? “Lean In” the title of the popular 2013 book by Sheryl Sandberg about women’s leadership, which discusses the layers of ambiguity and bias surrounding the lives and choices of working women. Very appropriate reading for men and women.
On a deep level, January’s Venus retrograde in Capricorn engaged serious reconsideration of feminine values which honor the capability of women and will likely result in empowering increasingly aware women in leadership positions. The Venus-Mars square off in this New Moon cycle suggests a timely equalizing opportunity as Mars (male energy) steps back and Venus continues to move forward, changing sign into Aquarius on March 5th. Venus finally moves out of business-oriented Capricorn, expanding the social networks in friendly and techno-loving Aquarius. This will change the emotional tone for the first time since Venus entered Capricorn on November 5th. Four months is an unusually long time for Venus to be in one sign, which is usually a month or less. The same with Mars, as it spends over seven months in Libra rather than its usual two. This suggests a special focus on emotional dynamics and the male-female balance.
No need to make hasty decisions. Be as kind and as understanding as possible. Even as you listen carefully to others, say what you need to say, rather than hem and haw trying to make things work. Fortune favors clarity and integrity. The best of this Mars retrograde is the extra time we have to weigh our options, get more information and consider how best to proceed—slowly but surely. We also get to know each other at lot better through all the necessary conversations. As we go through the month, we may have to put rationality aside because we can’t figure out what to do. We had better follow our intuition and our heart-felt feelings. We are being asked to step up to create a shared vision and inventive new solutions—together. What is your vision? What do you want to experience as your life unfolds?
As Saturn and Mars turn back, JUPITER turns forward on the 6th, offering expanding opportunities for growth. On a global level, we are learning more about what is really needed for our growth and wellbeing. Some opportunities or situations that came up last fall come to fruition or come back around for another look. What has been going on with you? Another wave is coming through, peaking in April, with needed and largely beneficial changes.
Rare influences give a continual sense that the line between dream and reality is very elusive. We are likely experiencing an influx of “cosmic fluff,” as scientists initially described the invisible field of light energy that our solar system has recently entered. It may pour in via solar flares, a kind of energetic hurricane to alter consciousness. Sensitivity to the aetheric field interpenetrating material substance is heightened. Earth and our bodies are impacted. Subtle vibrational healing modalities are very useful, such as sound healing and flower essences (orchids are especially aetheric).
We may also become critically aware of the waters of our planet. We are reminded of the massive oil spill in the Gulf a few years ago, as well as the highly toxic radiation that is still being poured into the Pacific Ocean in an attempt to clean up the Fukushima plant disaster. This is the most urgent ecological situation we currently face, even though we hear so little about it. Such traumatic events overshadow the ongoing pollution of streams, lakes, rivers and seas from all sorts of toxins. Water is one of the four essential elements that make up life. Do you know what you are drinking in your water? The fluids in our bodies need to be as clear as possible for our physical, mental and emotional health. There is a deep, sweet and sustaining flow of feeling under the surface, giving us a strong sense of what we need and how we can serve others.
ASTRO-SPECIAL is on for Piscean mermaids and mermen until March 20th, then it’s time for Aries. This is an astrological overview of your year, using the special window of your birthday chart along with usual planetary cycles. One hour, $120, that’s 20% off. This special fee also applies to a birthday gift for the Sun sign, a Gift of the Stars!
EXTRA ASTRO-SPECIALs are offered to two other groups through June 30:
1. Those brave souls born in 1965-66, who arrived at the peak of the SIXTIES and are feeling stretched to the next level of manifestation and cosmic energy channeling.
2. 1954 natives experiencing their second Saturn return.
$125 for an hour consult. *****************