Within two days of December Solstice, this New Moon opens wider the gateway into New Year 2023. Several celestial events preceding this New Moon stimulate the numinous shower of light propelling us, slowly but surely, through this Solstice portal and on through into a fresh lunar cycle and a fresh New Year. Moon with new patterning. Much needed and welcome if you are up to the challenge of redesigning your life!

Earth Mother Peace Dove, monotype by author, a favorite Solstice New Year prayer.
New Moon @1 Capricorn 33
December 23, 2022 @5:17am EST, 2:17am PST, 10:17am GMT, 9:17pm AEDT
The day before Winter Solstice, Jupiter moved into Aries once again, squaring this New Moon and picking up its pace to finish its run through this fire sign of initiative and audacious adventure, blazing a new trail in New Year 2023. By mid-May, Jupiter slows to a steadier, productive pace in earthy Taurus.
This New Moon in earth sign Capricorn looks ahead to that New Earthy planting by rearranging our trajectory with the new patterning available, more conducive to long-term sustainability and productive progress. Capricorn is about design, shape, structures, and sacred geometries. On all levels, we need to get back to the basic geometries that are in harmony with Nature and Cosmic Law. In March (already!), Pluto steps across the Aquarian threshold opened by Jupiter/ Saturn on Solstice 2020, and a Mars/Venus conjunction in early March 2022. So much is changing and transforming from deep inside the Earth herself.
And, in the lead up to Solstice, did you feel the starry flow of planets moving across the Galactic Center Point at 26 Sagittarius?:
Mercury on December 4-5,
Venus on the 6-8th, and, annually,
the Sun on the 18th.
This is the Heart of our Milky Way Galaxy, the galactic womb of all potentials.
Our minds and hearts have been tuning in to this Center since the 2012 turning point.
With Mercury conjuncting Pluto and turning retrograde on December 29, we get extra time to rearrange our thought patterns. Stay vigilant to catch any negative thoughts before they ‘take over’. We want positive thinking and visioning to carry us into a Grand New Year. We have quantum consciousness to align with!
Meanwhile, Mars, still retrograde until January 12, stationed opposite the Galactic Center point at the end of October and revisits in March, just before changing sign into Cancer (finally!). Bright red Mars retrograde in Gemini has been quite a trickster, activating undercurrents and issues that are distracting, triggering and frustrating, daring us to act out or tame shadowing areas in our psyches. Its busy-bee kaleidoscope of information and possibilities also opens our minds to all sorts of options that we may not have seen before. Are you watching and listening?
Looking to the quantum consciousness energies of the Kuiper Belt Objects, it is thrilling to see that Varda, Star Lady of the Elves, approached this point earlier in 2022 and will continue to circle it through 2024, dipping in to this celestial Holy Grail, threading and weaving increasingly potent celestial influences into our experience— if we invite them. Varda is a Bringer of Light from the beginning of Creation, according to J.R.R. Tolkien’s story told in The Silmarillion. I’m not sure what they have done in the (is it Netflix?) series with this first story and the complex history of the eras that followed, with Elves, Dwarves and the dark forces, that led to Middle Earth and the Lord of the Rings stories, but Varda and her ‘twin soul,’ Manwe were there at the very beginning to manifest the vision of the Original Creator.

Varda, from author’s Planetary Gods & Goddesses Coloring Book, rendered by D’Aine Greene
Over these next couple of years, as Pluto transitions back and forth from Capricorn into Aquarius, Varda will be circling the Galactic Center, bringing light into the darkness as we enter another New Era on Earth. This IS thrilling! In every age, Varda created a new type of Light. What is she creating now, from the Heart of the Galaxy?
Considering that Mars interacts with Varda both at its retrograde station point at the end of October and in March just before it changes sign (two days after Pluto enters Aquarius!), there could be some very visionary ‘light bulbs’ of inspiration. Let’s welcome them as we head into a New Year and a New Era!
Manwe, chief of Tolkien’s ‘archangels’, is in on this Moment as well! KBO Manwe is crossing back and forth across the Aries cusp, the very Beginning of the Zodiac. Jupiter and Manwe have both been circling that cusp and are both square this New Moon, adding a very special, exotic influence.
Jupiter just reentered that sign, inviting and amplifying Manwe’s higher dimensional quantum influence. Manwe’s invocational circling started in mid-2021, continuing through 2023, and influential through 2024. Manwe, too, pushes Pluto’s “let go and let God/dess” transition into the emergent Aquarian era. “Closest to the Mind of God” Manwe is renewing the Original Codes of this Creation on our planet Earth at this time. He communes with eagles, his messengers, from on high.
We can imagine that this quantum pair brings the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine into creative harmony. Astrologically, they are in a 90-degree square, sparking of each other in a highly dynamic way ever since they were discovered in 2003.
These Tolkien Archangelic Creators have orbits of 311 and 289 years, respectively, Varda and Manwe have longer transits through the signs than Pluto. Manwe is now transitioning into Aries. Varda will circle across the Capricorn line in 2026. And, Haumea, which we have talked about a good deal recently, is also changing sign, circling the Libra/ Scorpio cusp this year. Many high octave transitions chock full of consciousness-lifting potential. Step up and claim it for yourself. That’s three of these KBOs changing sign, for long-term impact.
Here is a short-form sign listing for these two KBOs, so you can see what sign they are in for you and, hopefully, get more interested in them. Inspiring our ancient memories, these especially two KBOs entice Lord of the Rings fans. If you find one of then in your Sun sign, for instance, perhaps it is a potent factor in your life purpose.
in Libra 1932-34 — 1968-70
in Scorpio 1968-70 — 2000-01
in Sagittarius 2000-01 — 2026
in Capricorn 1941-42 — 1970-71
in Aquarius 1970-71 — 1997-98
in Pisces 1997-98 — 2022-23
In Aries 2022-23 — 2044
You can find more writings about these two on my website, including my article, “Tolkien’s Twin Flames.”
Let’s welcome them as we head into a New Year and a New Era!
Blessings of the Season everyone!
Into 2023 we go!
Moons & Mythos #5, with Quantum Plant Healer, Davyd Farrell, is available on youtube! There is so much to say about this New/Full Moon cycle, with a compelling pattern of Kuiper Belt Objects adding profound nuances, especially on the Full Moon. Moons & Mythos is an excellent adjunct to Cosmic Inspiration News. Our discussion includes much more than I can write, especially for this Full Moon, especially about the dynamic KBO influences.
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