Depth Astrology, AstroMythology & the Cosmic Feminine

StarLady June Full Moon

With the Full Moon in fiery Sagittarius opposite the Sun in airy Gemini, energies are in high tide motion. Notably, Mars in its own sign Aries, is conjunct Chiron at 16 Aries. This energy is of an unusual and spontaneous nature. Chiron is ‘out-of-the-box,’ with a...

Tolkien’s Twin Flames—Varda & Manwe

“and they made a great Music before him. In this Music the World was begun; for Iluvatar made visible the song…. And many among them became enamored of its beauty… and entered into the World at the beginning of Time; and it was their task to achieve it, and by their...

Dandelion New Moon

This New Moon in Gemini flips the energy switch, backed up by the impulsive fire of Mars and Jupiter in Aries. Translation: It’s time to take action in a big way. Gemini is in-the-moment spontaneous and curious. Mars rules Aries, bringing out its most impatient,...

Total Lunar Surgical Eclipse

This powerful lunar eclipse in Scorpio is surgically laser-like, with a close square from serious Saturn in Aquarius and the eclipsing Moon opposite ehe Sun on the Medusa star. We are looking deep mysteries squarely in the eye, and it’s not all pretty. In these times...

Sweet & Sassy Solar Eclipse

Uranus infuses this Solar Eclipse with electrical volatility, high-charged awakening and Earth energy empowerments that affect our bodies and consciousness. Even a partial solar eclipse has a huge impact that shifts our experience of reality. Track your physical...