Quantum Solar System
Interview with Philip Daniel Miles
UNIFYING PERSPECTIVES with Philip Daniel Miles DEPTH ASTROLOGER KELLEY HUNTER - PIONEERING MYTHOLOGY - SUMMER SOLSTICE 2022 - KUIPER BELT OBJECTS Philip and I had a good time, ranging far and wide in this interview. He is one of those people who stretches your mind....
Tolkien’s Twin Flames—Varda & Manwe
“and they made a great Music before him. In this Music the World was begun; for Iluvatar made visible the song…. And many among them became enamored of its beauty… and entered into the World at the beginning of Time; and it was their task to achieve it, and by their...
All beginnings are a result of harmony, for all new things emerge when the necessary creative forces unite without obstruction. —Jeff Jawer, pioneer in Astrology 1946-2015 [reference in end notes] Until the late 1700s, the outer limit of our solar system was defined...
The Quantum Kuiper Belt Adventure
[First published in the Federation of Australian Astrologers' FAA Journal, December 2021] The Kuiper Belt is an exciting arena of icy planetoids, rather like a farther out Asteroid Belt. Pluto stands at its threshold as 'King of the Kuiper Belt.' Since the new...
Haumea’s Quantum Creativity
[originally published on The Wessex Astrologer website: https://www.wessexastrologer.com/haumeas-quantum-creativity-kelley-hunter/] Haumea is one of the new planetoids in the 'far out' zone of the solar system. The Kuiper Belt is an exciting arena of icy planetoids,...
Varuna and the Dragon Who Drank the Sea
Pronounced "vah-roo-nah," Kuiper Belt Object/TransNeptunian Object. Orbit = 283 years. Discovered November 28, 2000 by SpaceWatch at Kitt Peak Observatory near Tucson, Arizona. From NASA’s Small-Body Data Base “Varuna is one of the oldest of the Vedic deities, the...

VARDA, STAR LADY of the ELVES One of the new Kuiper Belt Objects, Varda mythic background comes from J.R.R. Tolkien's prehistory of Middle Earth. In the audio clip below, I introduce her story and astrology from my preliminary research. Varda was conjunct the...

Salacia, a Cosmic Mermaid’s Tale
Image: Neptune & Salacia from Planetary Gods & Goddesses Coloring Book. There is a new mermaid in the sky, sweet and salty and strong. She is Salacia, Neptune's Queen. She is the goddess of the calm, sunlit sea, sparkling as if reflecting the stars in...

HAUMEA, meet Hawai’ian Goddess KBO
HAUMEA, the Hawaiian goddess of fertility and childbirth, has given her name to a distant dwarf planet beyond Pluto, discovered in 2003. It has two moons, named for two of her daughters—sea goddess Namaka, and Hi'iaka, goddess of the hula dance. Another of her...

Goddess Star Talk — ERIS
ERIS is a mythic troublemaker, she who threw a golden apple into a party on Olympus. It had a tag that read, "For the Fairest," starting a contest between the goddesses that no god was going to touch. They tapped an upright young man named Paris. Juno promised him a...
Cosmic Inspiration
Cosmic Inspiration Newsletter
Multi-Dimensional Conversations Moon Cycle
This New Moon in buoyant Gemini lights us and lightens us (maybe even enlightens us!), as Venus joins Mars in Leo for a soul-centered, light-hearted, yet spicy tango that continues through the Full Moon. With Black Moon Lilith in Leo belly-dancing round the mythic...
Cuspy, Transitional Moon Cycle, May 19/June 3-4
This New Moon cycle continues the intensity of recent lunations, especially since March Equinox. The New Moon @ 28+ Taurus is again cuspy, like the potent solar eclipse on April 20, with Moon and Sun shortly to move into Gemini. This is another "hybrid" New Moon with...
A Total Solar Eclipse! squaring a transitioning Pluto that has just changed sign for the first time since 2008. What can we possibly expect as we head through this dark portal moment? A fitting follow-up to last month's extraordinary Equinox lunation, this second New...
March 21/ April 6 Lunar Cycle
This is a most extraordinary Moon cycle, beginning less than 24 hours after the official March Equinox! And right away, on March 23— Pluto enters Aquarius!!!! This is more than just a seasonal shift. With Pluto moving into Aquarius, two days into the Moon cycle, this...
On the Occasion of Saturn’s Entry into Pisces
"The whole glorious sea lay before the young girl's eyes, but not one sail appeared on its surface, and not a boat was to be seen. How was she to proceed? She looked at the innumerable little pebbles on the shore; the water had worn them all round. Glass, ironstones,...
Sea Journey Lunar Cycle
February 20-March 20, 2023 We push off into this lunar cycle with Sun/Moon in early Pisces, as if sailing into a Sea of Dreams, into uncharted waters that defy what we used to call 'reality'. As the New Moon waxes into crescent visibility, it encounters mythic...
Cosmic Inspiration Audio
Cosmic Collective Alert!
on The Soulfam Podcast with Alexandra Strumor and Diana Marcketta Recorded in April, 2022, this...
The Black Moon Lilith & The Cosmic Feminine: Mysteries of Womanhood
Interview on Ruby Ray Podcast with Jaclyn Norton Jaclyn brought her own depth of engagement with...
Interview with Philip Daniel Miles
Your birthday is your personal new year, a return of the Sun to where it was when you were born....
Ancient, powerful image of the divine feminine, who is this mysterious, often demonized, Lilith?...
with SAM REICHHARDT The discussion of Medusa in relation to women's experience continues with Sam...
Why are powerful women images often demonized? Medusa is a case in point. The star ALGOL, "the...
Your Story in the Stars
Your cosmic blueprint or birth chart tells the story of your life in relation to ongoing planetary...
Where is your Venus?
The Goddess of Love planet in your cosmic blueprint indicates your unique personal qualities, your...
Family Constellations & the Moon with Jan Sandman
In this interview with Jan Sandman, Authentic Movement teacher and Family Constellations...